Halloween Fun

Is there anything I love more than a theme? I don’t think so. Halloween week has been a blast and I’m sad it’s over. 
Monday was a regular day- Xander at school, Gussie and I at home. We like to get a slow start to the day, sitting on the couch drinking coffee for me and watching his ipad for Augustus. 

Tuesday was the pre-K art show at school, so Xander and I got to check it out when we picked Augustus up from school. He was very proud of his masterpieces. 

From the art show, we headed right to the YMCA for the boys’ last swim lesson. They did SO well. Augustus is so much more confident and comfortable, and Xander swam all the way across the big pool- 25 yards! I am so proud of how hard they both worked and how much they’ve improved. 

On Wednesday, Augustus had a fun day with Grandma Debbie and I got my hair done. 

On Thursday, Xander brought his lunch to school, so I had to attempt to be an instagram mom and make it Halloween themed. 

On Friday, he brought his lunch again, and Augustus also wanted a fun lunch. 
I got to volunteer at Xander’s school for the first time and I was so excited. Gussie went to the office with Nate in the morning and they were very busy. Augustus was very jealous that Xander got to have a Halloween party, but Xander was jealous that Augustus got to go to work with Daddy. Xander said, “can’t you get a babysitter or something?!” So I guess the grass is always greener…
For Halloween, the PTA puts on the parties for the classes, so after dropping Xander off, I got to help set up and then I stayed for Xander’s class party time. I happen to have spent the last 20 years of my career PERFECTING stations on the field, so it felt kind of weird to not be in charge and I had to bite my tongue, because I don’t want to be running the whole show… except that I kinda do… perhaps next year I will be the organizer, but this year, I stuck to my station and bit my tongue so that I didn’t offer too many helpful suggestions on how we could be more efficient. Kids got to play bingo, halloween golf, ring toss, and several other games. There was a treat bag station. There was a pumpkin patch where they got to choose a pumpkin to bring home. It was very fun. 

At pick up time, Augustus and I returned to school to watch the lower school costume parade. Augustus got to spend some time on the playground too. 

On Saturday, Xander got a haircut. 

And then it was time for our neighborhood Halloween party. Every time we get together with the neighbors (which is a LOT), it is SO fun! It was a perfect day. The weather was gorgeous and it was just so so fun. Everyone was in costume and looked amazing. 

The party host Heather had made a scavenger hunt with about 15 items around the neighborhood that we had to find and take a photo of. Augustus ditched us to do the hunt with Emmet (obviously the 9 year old was cooler than us), but once Xander and I realized we were on our own, we FLEW around the neighborhood and ran back to the finish in record time. I don’t want to brag, but we were first (although she had prizes for everyone) and it was so fun. Usually I facilitate the fun, not participate, but this was a blast! 

After the scavenger hunt, there was a team relay where you had to keep a balloon between partners. 

And then there was a candy hunt where the kids got to collect candy from around the yard. 
It was basically a perfect day and so fun. When we got home, the boys were not quite ready to settle down and go to bed, so we had a dance party and hung out, letting them stay up WAY too late! 

Today has been another amazing day. We started the day with pumpkin pie pancakes. 

We carved pumpkins. 

The boys were pretty tired today, but they still played all day. 

At 4pm, all of our neighbors came to our yard for Halloween dinner. I made pizza skulls (like a pizza pocket, but shaped like a skull). Other neighbors brought fruit and cookies. It was so fun. 

After dinner it was time for trick or treating. We went for several blocks and then Xander was done. Augustus, Olive and Nate continued on for a few more blocks while Xander joined Grandma Debbie to hand out candy. When Olive and Gussie finished trick or treating, she joined Xander for handing out candy and I think Xander enjoyed that more than the tick or treating. He was out there for over an hour and he was so happy.


Today was a perfect day after a fabulous week. Bring on November.