Sick Kids

Our week started off strong- Xander had the day off for President’s Day, so he went to an all day class at Kids Create art studio. He made several beautiful paintings and some other crafts. He is so excited about art lately that it was a great way to spend a day. Augustus was supposed to have a late start day at daycare, but instead, stayed home with me with a nasty cold. He ate several popsicles, had unlimited ipad time, and took a long nap mid day. Actually not a bad day, except for the sneezing and coughing.

Tuesday was our last day of swim lessons for the session. Both boys did so well and have gotten so confident in the water. Wednesday, Augustus was feeling much better and he and Grandma Debbie had a busy day baking cookies, going to Target, and resting (he felt fine, but loves to have Grandma take special care of him!).

Thursday was back to school for Augustus and a big day for Xander as it is the first day that kindergarten got to eat in the cafeteria! Xander’s school has been very strict with covid procedures, but last week, they ended the requirement to wear masks outside, and this week, kids got to go to the cafeteria for lunch (until this point, they have all been eating in their classrooms). Xander was very excited to finally get to go to the lunchroom!

Xander’s drawing obsession has continued, and now he’s gotten Gussie into it too. They have been drawing together (we call it “brother drawing time” and it is very cute). Gussie is pretty good, but handing a sharpie marker to a 4 year old is a constant gamble with everything in our house, and he has black marks all over his face and hands all the time. He’s not as passionate as Xander yet, but he’s trying to keep up!

On Thursday, just as I was sitting down to lunch (I rarely go out to lunch, so this was an exciting day), when I got a call from school that Xander was in the health office and not feeling well. Luckily Nate was able to drop everything and go get him so I could catch up with a dear camp friend. On Friday, he stayed home from school and spent the day drawing. His class had a special zoom guest- a DJ who showed the kids how to mix, and hosted a very fun jam session. Luckily Xander got to join in for all of that as well.

We had a very quiet, uneventful weekend. The boys drew pictures, played with toys and hung out. They got a bit restless by Saturday afternoon after so much resting, so I put them to work doing laundry (they actually did a great job! They carried dirty laundry to the basement, took clean laundry out of the dryer, carried it upstairs, sorted it and then delivered it to their rooms!)

Unfortunately Grandma Debbie is also sick (she very kindly didn’t blame us, but I’m pretty sure we’re the reason she is miserable). Instead of a day with Grandma today, we had a family swim time at the YMCA, Augustus and I made cookies, Xander spent several hours drawing, and we had one more quiet day of rest (which hopefully means the week ahead will be healthy for everyone).

A Very Regular Week

It’s been a very regular week and I am so happy about it. We had a few busy weeks and I was feeling a little exhausted, so it was nice to just have an average week. Monday was Valentine’s Day and we had some books and treats for the boys. Nate surprised me with a very nice chef knife, flowers and candy! The boys were excited to hand out valentines at school (Gussie had monster truck themed cards and Xander had little lego sets for everyone).

For dinner, I had a heart shaped meal planned- heart sausage, heart pasta and heart bread. Xander said, “yeah, but the green beans aren’t heart shaped.” I guess there is room for improvement next year. 

Tuesday was swim lessons.

Wednesday Augustus and Grandma Debbie were busy crafting, shopping and all the fun stuff they usually do. The boys had a busy week at school and both Nate and I were busy with work stuff. Very regular week!

Friday was a professional development day for Xander’s school, so he was home for the day. Nate worked in the morning, so Xander hung out and was busy working on new drawings, which is his latest obsession. He has been taking an after school drawing class on Wednesdays and he is getting really good. He watches YouTube videos and can follow along to create amazing pictures. He’s getting really good and he loves it.

Nate and Xander went out to lunch, ran some errands for me and then went to hit golf balls. It was a busy day off for our kindergartener.

On Friday night, Nate and I had a date night, so our neighbor Olive came over to babysit the boys. They were excited all week for her to come over. She kept them alive and happy, and Nate and I had a fabulous dinner out, so everyone was a winner!!

On Saturday, Gussie and I went shoe shopping (both of us needed new shoes). Xander drew about 15 amazing pictures. We played, we relaxed. We had a very easy day. It was fabulous.

Sunday was another day of rest and prep for the week. I dropped the boys at my mom’s house and then went to the grocery store. The weather was warm, so Nate and I cleaned the yard, I walked the dogs and got some other house projects done. The boys and my mom played, went shopping, and went swimming. When they got home in the afternoon, we all headed outside for some neighborhood playing and hanging out.

It was a fabulous week and a wonderful weekend!

The Last 2 Weeks of Fun!

Apparently I am only updating this every 2 weeks now. After our covid week of nonstop together time/work full time/parent full time, I was very happy for the boys to head back to school! I LOVE a routine. I think everyone was happier being back to normal. We had one nice day so everyone in the neighborhood headed outside after work for a winter happy hour. We are all ready for the weather to warm up! We had swim lessons, Xander had after school enrichment (he’s taking a drawing class right now).

Last Friday, Christine and I hopped in the car and road tripped our way to Dubuque for Mom’s Gone Wild Weekend! Abby is having a baby and I was excited to go to her shower and celebrate! Originally, I was just going to get up early and spend Saturday night in Dubuque, but I am super happy I invited Christine as my plus one, and we made a weekend of it. I didn’t take nearly enough photos- we stayed in an air b&b with Meghan and Shayla. The main floor layout was exactly the same as both my old house and new house (what can I say, I’m consistent!) and so cute. We all had our own rooms and it was very cute! Christine and I chatted the entire 4.5 hour drive down, we out to dinner, visited Abby’s house, and then sat quietly drinking tea on Friday night. Saturday we got up and headed to Galena, a little town nearby for the most amazing pastries I’ve ever had followed by several hours of shopping in the cutest stores of all time. We went to the shower (I’d brought some macs) which was WONDERFUL. Abby and Michael started a BBQ business this summer and they catered it. Incredible food! I was so happy to be able to be there to celebrate their future baby. It was fun to hang out with all my favorite ladies! After the shower, Christine, Shayla and I went out to a nice dinner and then all snuggled in warm blankets on the couches, drinking hot tea and relaxing. We all love our children dearly, but also all LOVED a quiet night at home.

While I was having fun in Iowa, Nate and the boys had a great weekend (although not a lot of photos!). Xander had the day off from school on Friday and he and Nate went to an indoor golf simulator and out to lunch. On Saturday, Nate, the boys and my mom went to a dinosaur exhibit at the convention center. We all had a busy weekend!

This week was another routine week- Nate and I busy working, the boys at school. Xander lost another tooth! I made Valentine themed lunches for Xander this week. I also went to 6 different Dollar Trees on the ultimate wild goose chase for boxes. Dollar Tree has 3 packs of boxes that PERFECTLY fit a dozen macarons. I buy them all the time. Except that I was out. And the boxes were out of stock EVERYWHERE. I nearly cried when I finally found some.

On Friday night, Christine and I went out to dinner at Joan’s in the Park. It was a 4 course tasting menu and it was UNBELIEVABLE! I nearly licked the plate several times.

On Saturday, the boys went to my mom’s house- they swam, went to McDonald’s and played nonstop. While they were gone, Nate and I went out for a romantic sushi lunch. Saturday night, we went over to our neighbor’s house for pizza and hanging out. The kids played, decorated cookies and ran around like crazy people. It was so normal and also so wonderful. Covid has prevented this for so long, I was so happy we could just hang out inside someone else’s house.

It is the week before Valentine’s Day and I was a cookie factory- full time job+full time cookie baker was not great. I was not feeling joyful by the end. 35 dozen cookies later, I never want to see another macaron again…

So many cookies this week….

Today was Monster Jam! I bought these tickets 6 months ago. For weeks, I have been begging the universe to keep up all healthy for this day. Augustus is OBSESSED with monster trucks. He asks about Monster Jam all the time. This event happens once a year (except last year- covid). We had front row seats (actually row 9, because they block off the first 8 rows for safety). The boys ate all the snacks. We were actually dirty by the end of it. Before kids, if you’d told me I was going to be into monster trucks, I would have rolled my eyes. But actually, it’s pretty cool. And Gussie was so happy. A magical day!