Another SUPER Fun Week!

Another super fun week at home with the boys. We have been SO busy and doing so many fun things. Life will go back to normal next week, but for now, we’ve been having a blast!

On Monday, we started the day at the park. We were playing PJ Masks, which was just me chasing the boys yelling, “I’ll steal your powers! I’ll get you! Rawr” over and over while chasing them. They scream. Repeat. At one point, we had about 6 little kids all playing. I’m not sure what their parents thought- they didn’t come rescue their children, so they must not have thought I was entirely crazy.

After burning off some energy, we went to see a movie- this was the first time the boys have been to a theater. I think it was the first time in 4 years I had been to a movie theater too. We’ve seen the first 3 Toy Story movies approximately 100 times each, so it was fun to see Toy Story 4. The boys did great- Augustus got a little wiggly towards the end, but it was a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon.

On Tuesday, we went to Fawn-Doe-Rosa, which is a wildlife educational park. I follow several mom blogs and this place was all the rage this summer. About a month ago, while driving the golf cart one evening, Augustus and I saw a deer, and for the rest of the summer, he repeated, “more deer” every time we got on the golf cart. So I was excited to go here and see “more deer”. It did not disappoint! We arrived right away in the morning, and that must be when the deer are the hungriest, because there were several that were waiting at the entrance and came right up to us. I was magical!

In addition to deer, there are several other animals as well. We petted bunnies, goats, cows, pigs, chickens, llamas, and even a skunk! Xander was very excited for a pony ride. However, when it was time, he changed his mind and ran away. So Augustus went first and was a bit unsure about it. After Augustus’s ride, Xander got in line again… and changed his mind again. Except that I picked him up and put him on the horse and forced him into riding. He was not thrilled, but was glad he did it when it was over.

We had lunch and played on the playground, fed a few more deer and then it was time to head home. But just a few miles down the road is Franconia Sculpture Park, which has been on my “to visit” list for along time! Since we’d driven all the way out there, I decided just to swing in and check it out briefly. We ended up being there for an hour and could have stayed longer, but Augustus started laying down on the sculptures and the sky was threatening rain, so it was time to go! But we will definitely go back- there were a lot of things to do and climb on and we had a lot of fun!

On Wednesday, my mom and I took the kids to the State Fair! I love the fair. I wasn’t sure how it would go with kids, but they did so well! We rode the ferris wheel, went down the giant slide, ate corn dogs and cookies and slushies and ice cream (and didn’t puke after all that). Xander played in the arcade and we watched the parade (Augustus kept saying, “Whoa!”). It was a great first fair experience!

Thursday was a little slower as we’d had quite a busy week up to that point. We went to the doctor and the grocery store in the morning, and then went to a nearby park to meet up with Skylar and her family. I only took 2 pictures the whole day! 


Friday was another low key day. We played at home all morning, and then Grandma Debbie came over to play some more, while Nate and I went to the fair. My mom and the boys had a great time and so did Nate and I. It was a great end to a very busy week! We’ve got a lot planned for the weekend and then it’s back to real life with the boys at daycare and me back to my office. I know the boys are excited to go back to school, so I’m looking forward to the arrival of fall!

Boys’ Weekend/Girls’ Weekend

This weekend was boys’ weekend! I haven’t been away from my boys for more than a few hours for months. But this weekend, I headed off to summer camp and Nate and the boys got to hang all weekend. When I told Xander about it, I said, “it’s going to be BOYS’ WEEKEND!” and he said, “when is girls’ weekend?” and I said, “well, kinda this weekend too because I’m going to be hanging out with a bunch of moms, so, I guess that’s girls’ weekend!”
Yes… summer camp… for adults. Unglued Summer Camp. A few months ago, my friend Shayla, who worked at CYC with me from 2008-2010, emailed and asked if I wanted to join her at summer camp. Shayla is one of those people who is SO fun and SO nice and just generally cool and awesome that I didn’t even hesitate (or actually look it up), I just said, “YES” immediately. Later I looked at the website and was very excited to see that what I’d agreed to seemed VERY cool.

And it was!! We went to a weekend of SUMMER CAMP! It was all adults. Open bar all weekend (which was lost on me as I had about 5 drinks total, but I like having the option! Mimosas- yes! Drinks at lunch- probably not, but I like the possibility! Drinks garnished with gummy bears- yes!). It was a crafting camp, so we signed up for 4 sessions. There was also a color war, a dance party, INSANELY amazing food, snacks, drinks, fun activities in between… It was SOOOO fun! I took a nap during rest hour. I stayed up late and slept on a bunk bed. The organizers thought of every detail and ran a phenomenal program! I was so blessed to be able to be part of this camp! 

I missed my boys almost immediately and by halfway through Saturday, I was like, DYING for some toddler hugs, but the weekend was still was SO fun. I can’t even begin to describe it- they did a spectacular job. The food was INCREDIBLE. I learned how to bake biscuits from a professional (it wasn’t all just crafts, the sessions varied!). I danced until I thought I was going to pass out from exhaustion. I REALLY enjoyed myself and it was SO awesome.

The boys had a fabulous time! I left at 3pm on Friday, so they pretty much just hung out, had dinner and then went to bed. On Saturday, they went to my mom’s house for swimming, lunch and a trip to the park. On Sunday, they went out for donuts, went to the park, got haircuts, and played, played, played! They were definitely making up “daddy time” from the summer. It was a VERY fun weekend. I am so grateful for Shayla inviting me, Nate being an awesome dad/husband to take over for the weekend. And also, SO happy to come home to my boys! 

A Fun Week at Home

I “hate follow” several blogs. The kind that you read and think, “that woman is just too much!” but you can’t stop reading. So I get it! You miss me! I gave daily updates on our exciting life and then I just stopped! And you’re wondering what we’re up to! Ok, ok, my fan(s) have spoken!

It’s been quite a week! We are re-adjusting to life at home. Xander has asked (several times) when we are going back to camp. He doesn’t quite understand the concept of time yet, so “9 months” is a bit too abstract. Augustus has not been feeling well this week. I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong- he has a cough, he’s had some yucky diapers, he’s not sleeping well, he’s CRANKY, but overall, I don’t know. But his little body is not right.

I’ve been TIRED all week. In part because neither child has slept through the night and we’re back to newborn stage and I am a walkie zombie. Also, I think 3 months has caught up with me. In the “re-entry” packet we give the staff, one of the things we say is that, “At some point, usually between one hour and one day after you leave camp, you will get VERY TIRED. This is normal. Please take time to rest and relax before jumping right back into your normal schedule.” I have handed out this packet for YEARS. And yeah, this point is ACCURATE!

Despite the above advice, my priority has not been not rest, but rather, getting our house back to normal. I’ve been working hard to organize, but every project goes like this….. clean off the buffet (approximate time for project- 7 minutes), but if I clean off the buffet, I should organize the drawers. And then I should organize the basement, oh, and our room, and the garage… cut to 4 hours later and there are piles everywhere. I’ve sorted clothes, sorted toys, organized closets… but the house still looks slightly like a hurricane hit. Why do we have so much STUFF?!? So it’s an on-going project…

The boys have been used to roughly 12 hours of ACTIVE activity, filled with MANY playmates, excitement, long walks to the dining hall on top of a hill, noise, song, dance, and SO MUCH SUGAR. And whoa, if our life at home isn’t quieter than that (to say the least). But it’s been a great week! Here’s a quick recap so you can catch up with the boys!

Our first full day home. Nate was in charge of toddler entertainment because I was in FULL unpack/organize mode. As I wrote in the last post, I started out packing in an organized fashion and eventually was throwing everything into garbage bags. So then we got home and I had to unpack…. it was like an un-fun scavenger hunt. Nate took the boys to the park, played in the backyard, played in the basement. It was a full day of playing while I tried to sort clothes, books, shoes, etc. I managed to get all of the bags and boxes unpacked! Then I took every single item out of the pantry and refrigerator and re-organized. I sorted the boys’ clothes (they both grew SO much). I went through every nook and cranny in the linen closet and bathroom. We have a SMALL house, but, whoa is there a lot of stuff in here!

Grandma Debbie joined us at Tamarack Nature Center for playing and a picnic. I will be honest- the three of us (not Grandma Debbie) were a little more tired than I’d originally thought. The boys climbed and jumped and played. But lunch came early and so did departure. We were all just tired!

We got home and Augustus napped. And then he woke up and we all snuggled. At some point in snuggling, I fell asleep while holding the boys. It was just a TIRED afternoon.

At night, we rode bikes. At first, Xander was just riding around on flat ground. But as he made his way up the hill (a little bit further each time), we eventually had to pull out the helmet. Once he had that, he BOMBED down the hill- over and over. He’s quite the super hero!

On Tuesday, the boys went to Grandma Debbie’s house for most of the day. I went to my office for a bit to get a few things done. I’d also planned to organize THE WHOLE HOUSE, but mostly I just made a bigger mess. I was trying to sort toys (we’re rivaling an ACTUAL toy store at this point. Real question- how many toy cars do 2 boys need?!). I got a few things done, but mostly, the house looked the same as when I dropped them off. They were happy to spend time with my mom and she was happy to have them, so it was a good day (organizing aside).

On Tuesday night, on the 4th or 5th time he got up from his bed, Xander said, “I have a good idea! Maybe we should have hot chocolate in the morning!” This kid ALWAYS has some kind of plan in the works! I agreed (because bedtime shouldn’t take 45 minutes!) and said that if he went to bed, maybe we could have storm trooper marshmallows (because I’d seen them on pinterest and happen to have a food coloring marker and, seriously, how cute?!). So we started Wednesday with hot cocoa and storm trooper marshmallows.

Then it was time for a trip to the zoo. There is a llama exhibit I wanted to check out. The boys only wanted to jump off the big rocks that were everywhere. I kept saying, “look at the llamas!” and they were mildly impressed. The llamas were like, RIGHT THERE, within arms reach, just walking around! I was super excited! The boys required a bribe just to take a photo. After the zoo, we had another quiet afternoon with Augustus napping and Xander and I doing very little. It was necessary! We’re still tired!

On Thursday we headed out for an adventure. I have had Caponi Art Park on my bucket list for years. I wasn’t sure how it would be for 2 kids- as far as I could tell, it is mostly a sculpture garden, not a park for playing. But we decided to try it anyway.

SO COOL! The photos can’t possibly do it justice! It is such a spectacular place. We spent the morning running around yelling, “HIDE! The villains are coming!” “Go! We’ve gotta fight!” and so on. The park is magical and felt like we were in Cloud City (Xander’s words). There are cool cobblestone paths and mossy banks. There are giant trees and sculptures tucked in all over the place. We only made it down a few paths- there was so much to explore. It was exotic and interesting and both boys were curious and filled with creative ideas for playing. I loved it! We will definitely be back!

After we played for a long time, Xander said, “I want a happy meal!” So we went to McDonalds (a rare treat for all of us), played in their play area, and then headed to the grocery store for a quick trip. Nate got home a little early this afternoon and took the boys to the park while I meal prepped for the weekend and got dinner ready.

Today we met Sarah and Oliver at Playground Plaza. The boys got to jump, climb, play and run around. It was a very fun morning. Later today I am heading to camp, not our camp, but to a camp for grown ups. My friend Shayla messaged me months ago to ask if I wanted to go with her. I agreed before I really even looked into it (Shayla is the kind of person you can just say yes to and know that it’s going to be awesome). It is a crafting camp for adults, hosted at a YMCA camp near Fargo. I am very excited! However, it will be the first time I’ve been away from the boys for more than a few hours, so I think it will be kind of difficult too. I’m confident that boys weekend will be fabulous though.

Whew! What a week! And there’s still boys’ weekend and all of next week before I go back to the office and the boys go back to school. So much more fun to come!

Goodbye Camp

It was check-out day at camp. Staff started leaving at 7am. I started packing in an organized way, and by the end, I was throwing shoes, clothes, toys and miscellaneous items into garbage bags. Unpacking is going to be a project (to say the least). Xander and Mary had one last light saber fight. Jacob and Xander ran around searching for bad guys one last time.

I eventually got everything packed and the trailer somewhat clean. We said goodbye as each person left. And then we headed home.

Earlier this week, I told Augustus about his new bed and showed him a picture. When we were home earlier in the summer, he was VERY close to diving, head first, out of his crib. So it was time to move to a big boy bed. All week long, he’s been saying, “cars bed!”

He was SO cute when he ran into his room and saw his new bed! I’m not sure how bedtime will go when he can escape, but he’s very excited.

We got home around 3 and emptied Nate’s car and the van. The living and dining rooms look like a snow globe that got shaken. There are bags and toys and stuff everywhere. I passed out on the couch as if I’d been drugged- my body just turned off. Xander has had about 12 meltdowns. I think it’s safe to say that the post-camp hangover has already hit.

The summer was FABULOUS. We swam, we played, we were wild and carefree. I loved falling asleep next to 2 snuggly boys and waking up to their sleepy, smiley faces. I love our cozy trailer- it’s small but filled with love and joy and happiness (and a lot of sand, dirt, and sometimes ants).

Augustus hasn’t worn shoes since May. His vocabulary has multiplied times a million. He’s confident, friendly, quick to smile, quick to hold someone’s hand, and always willing to play with anyone. He has jumped off every single tree stump, chair, and anything else he could find.

Xander has grown in confidence and independence. He loves fighting bad guys and loves Star Wars (despite never having seen the movie). He is bossy and outgoing.

Both boys have grown and learned so much! They have been surrounded by supportive people who are always willing to listen to them and play and give them attention. It’s been a transformative 3 months. I am so grateful for this summer.

Thanks for following along with our adventures.

Catch up with us in 9 months! See you in summer 2020!

The Last Day

And just like that, it’s over! Today was our last day of camp. Summer 2019 is complete!

Mary made Xander a very special book (he loved it, I cried. It was THE cutest, sweetest thing!). Xander gave Mary some Star Wars pins. She lives in Pennsylvania, and I am SO bummed it’s so far away, because she would DEFINITELY be invited to his birthday party if she was here.

helping lead songs before chapel begins

The day was basically the same as every Friday- late breakfast, closing chapel, meeting with the lead staff, lunch, parent program, staff meeting. It was a good day.

sitting in the back of the chapel

at the closing program
end of the summer staff photo

After the staff meeting, we got to work packing up camp. We pulled out the docks, brought the canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, paddle boats, paddles and lifejackets inside. We cleaned and packed up every building. We collected garbage, packed supplies, cleaned, organized, and moved everything. We worked for about 2 hours, stopped for dinner (where we handed out end of the year “thank you” shirts and memory books), and we were finished by about 8:30pm. I was so tired I felt like I was going to pass out. Staff will officially check out tomorrow morning and camp will OFFICIALLY be over for the summer. My trailer is still a MESS, so hopefully Nate can entertain the boys long enough for me to hurry up and pack everything so we can go home too. Post camp exhaustion will hit soon, so I have to get packed, moved home, and unpacked before my body realizes what is happening!

the 2019 CYC lead staff

Last Full Camper Day

It was the last full day of campers today! Xander and Augustus were busy as always. A camper observed today that “they must have the best life living at camp!” I told the camper that they always have someone to play with them! 

On Thursdays, we have the fantastic talent show. This week, Xander assisted with Jacob’s magic trick, joined in an act that was sing-along style, and also sat by Leah’s side while she and Addie played ukulele. He also told a few jokes in between acts. He’s getting pretty comfortable on stage!

 In the afternoon, I finished painting the staff square (see below) and Xander and Augustus played with Leah, Liv and counselor Mary. It was a great last camper day!

Not According to the Plan

Nothing about today went according to my plans. I got a little bit of work done this morning, but there were other things that needed my attention. 

 It was beach party at 11:30 but still so cold. Xander was adamant he wanted to go, so I changed both boys into swimsuits. I’m not sure why I thought I could get away with not changing, but I was quickly wet, despite wearing pants. We didn’t stay for long. All of Xander’s favorite staff were lifeguarding and not available to play and it was just too cold. Such a bummer way to spend the last beach party.

I tried to get some work done this afternoon, but also got sidetracked. During the third activity period, I don’t have a nanny scheduled, so Augustus napped, but Xander was stuck with me and he wasn’t thrilled. He said, “who is available right now?” and when I went through where everyone was, he was very crabby.

Augustus woke up from his nap crabby and dinner was a struggle.

At free time, Xander played and Augustus ran around for a little while, and I got about 5 minutes of quick work done.

The day is done and it wasn’t my favorite day, but I got to spend a lot of one on one time with Augustus while Xander played. And then I got to snuggle with both of them for bedtime and it was so wonderful. They are not going to be little and snuggly for long, so I know I need to take advantage now.

Tomorrow is our last full day! I can’t believe how fast this week (not to mention the summer) has FLOWN by!

Our Last Tuesday

We started the day with Xander and Augustus hanging out with Mary (not Xander’s favorite Mary, as he pointed out to her, but counselor Mary who is awesome). They did some craft projects while I got a bunch of work done. 
Then it was time for the all camp game, which Xander played for the entire hour, while Augustus played with some big kids in the gaga pit. It was super cute to see him play with the kids and they were being patient and sweet and getting the ball every time he threw it out. He was giggling and it was so funny and sweet. 
He looks terrified, but he was having a blast!

Playing with the big kids

 After lunch and rest time, things did not go as I had planned. Augustus was not interested in napping. Then we had a guest arrive. So I handed both boys off to Leah and I have no idea what they did for the whole hour. I heard something about being puppies. She is SO amazing at playing with them and they have the best time every time they are with her. She is very fun! When the hour was up, Leah had to go lead swimming and Liv took over. I was hoping she could walk Augustus and get him to nap, but he was not happy about it. Xander wanted to swim, even though it was 60 degrees outside. I tried talking him out of it, but Leah was at the beach and he was not going to take no for an answer. While he got changed into his suit, Augustus was saying, “swim suit” and crying. I felt TERRIBLE. I knew that it was WAY too cold for either of them to swim and that Augustus NEEDED a nap, but I still felt guilty as I left a crying baby to take Xander swimming.

I couldn’t believe he got in the water, but at this point, I think he would follow Leah anywhere. Luckily she switched from swimming to lifeguarding halfway through and he quickly got out and dried off.

After we changed into dry clothes, he said, “where is everyone?” Most of his favorite staff were leading activities. Luckily Jacob was free and agreed to go to archery with Xander and I.

When we were finished, we had some quiet time until Augustus woke up and we all went to dinner.

After dinner, the kids went to primetime and I met with some homesick kids (we have several this week!). Then I took Augustus home for a bath. He’d been crabby from the time he woke up from his nap, so it was time.

Xander went to the campfire. I was sad I missed the last one. He came back covered in dirt. When I asked him about the campfire, he told me he made a s’more and watched the skits. And then he sang me several camp songs while sitting in the tub. It was so cute I almost burst into tears. I have been singing camp songs for 20 years. And now my baby is singing them. I don’t know why it was making me emotional, but when he said, “this is a repeat after me song, and a do as I do song. 1, 2, 3 kick it” and then sang a song, I was legitimately choked up. Then he sang the animal song and when he finished, he said, “I made that up” which actually made me burst out laughing. Another great day and another “last of the summer.”

Our Last Monday!

It’s our last Monday of the summer! We tied dyed our last shirts (we’ve done about 600 since the beginning). While we were busy with that, Xander and Augustus played with Leah all morning. Xander said today that Mary is no longer his best friend, now it’s Leah. This is NOT true- he loves Mary dearly and I feel like I have to reassure her of that. But he does really love Leah too, and I’m thrilled that there are several people to love, care for and play with the boys.  

After 2 hours of playing with Leah, it was time for all-camp field games. Xander was right in the group the whole time. He’s officially a big kid.

 He was back to ignoring me at meals- at lunch he sat at the lead table, but sat next to Jacob. At dinner, he sat with Leah. I didn’t even get his tray- he sat with her, went through the line, carried his own tray and chatted all through dinner. I just kept looking over at him, thinking, “who is this cool guy?!”

Augustus has been a bit crabby today, and it’s been cold and a little drizzly. We’ve also had a lot of homesick kids who I’ve been talking with all day. But as soon as I could finally get away, I brought him home and gave him a bath and had early bedtime. Xander is playing all-camp Angels and Demons like he has every Monday. He is going to miss camp so much. He has become so independent, and has so much fun. There are many people who take care of him and have allowed him to grow in confidence and become his own person. He’s not a baby anymore (every time he ignores me at the dining hall, I think, some people still breastfeed 3 year olds! Where did my baby go?!). I’m proud of him and deeply thankful for the staff members, and thankful for the opportunity to live in community for a few months every year. It’s a very unique and wonderful life to have!

Our Last Week Begins!

This weekend the boys and I went home because 2 camp staff alumni got married! They met at camp in 2016 and now they are married. Fun fact, the groom’s sister ALSO met her husband while on staff!  It was a beautiful, super fun wedding, and so fun to see camp staff alumni from multiple years. 

We returned to camp this morning for the first day of our last week! This summer has FLOWN by! Xander and Augustus were excited to spend the day playing with Leah, Mary, Jacob and of course, Xander’s-favorite-Mary. Besides about 5 random minutes of rain, the weather was gorgeous. This is a big attendance week, but the kids are all excited and the energy feels good. We’re off to a good start!