Not According to the Plan

Nothing about today went according to my plans. I got a little bit of work done this morning, but there were other things that needed my attention. 

 It was beach party at 11:30 but still so cold. Xander was adamant he wanted to go, so I changed both boys into swimsuits. I’m not sure why I thought I could get away with not changing, but I was quickly wet, despite wearing pants. We didn’t stay for long. All of Xander’s favorite staff were lifeguarding and not available to play and it was just too cold. Such a bummer way to spend the last beach party.

I tried to get some work done this afternoon, but also got sidetracked. During the third activity period, I don’t have a nanny scheduled, so Augustus napped, but Xander was stuck with me and he wasn’t thrilled. He said, “who is available right now?” and when I went through where everyone was, he was very crabby.

Augustus woke up from his nap crabby and dinner was a struggle.

At free time, Xander played and Augustus ran around for a little while, and I got about 5 minutes of quick work done.

The day is done and it wasn’t my favorite day, but I got to spend a lot of one on one time with Augustus while Xander played. And then I got to snuggle with both of them for bedtime and it was so wonderful. They are not going to be little and snuggly for long, so I know I need to take advantage now.

Tomorrow is our last full day! I can’t believe how fast this week (not to mention the summer) has FLOWN by!