He made “cookies” out of kinetic sand- he has been watching me closely because his technique was flawless! Xander was busy at school working hard! .
On Wednesday, both boys went to Grandma Debbie’s and Xander was very happy to have a Wednesday Grandma day. They went to the mall and played at the super cool play area there. They swam, they hung out. Augustus told me he put fruit snacks inside of a fruit rollup and made a burrito. It’s like paradise over there.
On Thursday, Xander and I had a special mommy/Xander day. He has been feeling super jealous of how much one on one time that Augustus has had with both Grandma and me, so on Thursday, Augustus went to school and Xander and I planned a day of anything he wanted. We started the day at the bakery getting donuts and then (as he requested) we did several science experiments. We built a catapult, made a lava lamp, built and then erupted a volcano and a few others that didn’t turn out quite as cool. For lunch, we ordered Dominoes Pizza. We wrestled, we played, we hung out. I really enjoyed spending the day with him. Xander enjoyed the day too, but he also asked about Augustus approximately 500 times and kept requesting that we pick him up early.
Friday the boys came home and we hung out, went to the YMCA to go swimming and they helped Nate assemble a new cabinet for my office. We ordered pizza for dinner and ate on the couch (which is a rare treat!) and then ended the night with ice cream sundaes.
On Saturday, I attempted to relax and drink coffee on the couch, but instead chewed on by a puppy. We went to a party with some of Nate’s work friends. They had a bounce house in their basement and the boys got to carve/paint pumpkins. It was nice to hang out, eat, drink and for the kids to play.
Cookie sales for Halloween were really good and I was excited to see myself tagged in someone’s instagram post complimenting my cookies.
My mom brought the boys home and then Danny and Heather came over for dinner. After dinner was some intense Nintendo Switch gaming. It was the perfect day!
I was a little jealous of all of our friends and neighbors who had fun get-aways planned for MEA break. But it felt too extravagant for us to go away somewhere when I haven’t been working. However, these last few days have been absolutely perfect. It was nice to have time to relax and hang out and play together without being too busy. I think both Nate and I, and the boys needed some down time, and it’s been so wonderful.