Catching Up and Covid

Oh boy, buckle up, we’ve got some catching up to do. It’s been 2 weeks and we’ve been busy (sort of). Two Mondays ago, it was Martin Luther King Day, and since the boys were going to be home from school, Grandma Debbie had them overnight on Sunday. Nate and I went out to dinner and relaxed while the boys enjoyed endless fruit snacks, staying up late, and all the best grandma time. On Monday, they went to the ice castle, which I was super jealous of because it looks so cool! The weather has been COLD, but Monday was a pretty nice day, so the perfect day to be outside.

Augustus was Star of the Week at school that week, so to celebrate, we went out to dinner (his choice) for burgers, fries and malts. He was very excited to sit in the teacher’s chair and bring special show and tell all week.

On Tuesday, Xander’s school was closed for “professional development day” so he and I went out to lunch and hung out- I still had to work, but we found a good balance of playing together and him playing on his own. I don’t know how parents made it through a whole school year with kids at home, but a day here or there isn’t bad. Tuesday was swim lessons and the boys continue to do so well int he water!

On Wednesday, Xander was at school, Augustus went to Grandma Debbie’s. Everything was normal. And then mid day, she texted to tell me he wasn’t feeling well and he had a temperature. He was pretty miserable when he got home and all evening. Early bedtime for him and I was prepared for a sick day on Thursday, but he woke up feeling great and life was normal on Thursday. I thought we dodged a bullet.

Thursday night, Xander came home and said he felt like he did after his covid shot. Nate was exhausted. Augustus seemed fine and I was a little run down, but fine. All 3 men went to bed at 7pm, but I wasn’t worried. I took a covid test and it was negative, so I assumed we all had colds.

Friday- Nate slept until 11am (about 15 hours total), Xander woke up miserable, I woke up feeling a little yucky, Augustus felt great. He went to school, the rest of us spent the day on the couch. Mid afternoon, I decided to take another covid test, and there it was- the thing I’ve been dreading for 2 years, a positive result. Ugh! Covid had arrived.

Saturday was a day of rest- ipads, popsicles, quiet playing. Nate was exhausted. Xander felt like he had a cold. I felt run down. Augustus was feeling fine!

I recently had a conversation about how important it is to let kids be bored and not always feel like I need to program them like I’m running a camp. Our boys play really well together and are creative, and it’s very fun to watch them come up with ideas. However, with a full week at home looming, the only way I could feel sane was to take control and make a plan. So Saturday was my quarantine prep day. Amazon, instacart and Target carts were filled and ready to arrive to our home. I created a daily schedule and 3 categories of activities- independent, mom set up but independent, and mom-led. I still felt mostly fine, so I knew I would be balancing work and life with kids at home.

On Sunday, we played, rested, and had taco night on the couch while watching Encanto (you know I can’t resist a theme!).

Monday began our week at home. Both boys were feeling fine. Nate was still exhausted, but overall, ok. I felt like I had a cold, but overall, ok. I had 5 meetings on Monday, so the boys were mostly independent. Nate was home for some of the day. I had ordered a bunch of stuff on Amazon to keep the boys busy. “Scrubbies” are little animals you can color and then wash off. The boys loved them. They painted. They played. But by the end of the day, I realized my “choose you own adventure” style of activity chart wasn’t going to cut it. They alternated between wanting to do everything shown or nothing. So I came up with a new plan for the rest of the week.

Tuesday I introduced “plan for the day”. We started the day with a scavenger hunt- the prizes were big, but they also kept the boys busy for several hours. Water beads (a risky activity to do inside, but they were great!), crafting, the floor is lava- I was able to work, the boys were entertained, and life was good. Nate is alone in his office, so he was back to work, feeling mostly better.

Wednesday was another scavenger hunt (this time the prize was bath crayons), craft projects (sand art and painting ceramics). We baked banana bread. We took a mid-day bath to try out the bath crayons. We got a surprise from Grandma Renee- new books and the game Operation. It was very fun to get mail and they loved the game!

Thursday started with 7:30am crafting- not my first choice to begin so early, but they were very excited and I didn’t want to take away their enthusiasm. Xander got to zoom with his class and show off some of his crafts he’d made, as well as play a game with his class. He was very excited to see everyone, but later, he was a little sad because he really missed school. Thursday was the day covid caught up to me and I was exhausted all day. The boys and Nate were all back to normal, so Nate took them sledding and then to ice cream (by that time, they were past the 5 day CDC quarantine period, so even though school quarantine was still going, ice cream seemed like an ok outing).

Friday was the day that I was ready to release the children back into the wild and wish them the best of luck in all their endeavors. As an introvert, that much nonstop together time was tough for me. I also was DONE with the full time parent/full time work schedule. We started the day with another scavenger hunt (more legos and hot wheels to buy me some independent play time). We played balloon tennis, baked cupcakes, and did more art projects.

Saturday was the end of quarantine and I was relieved! We made it. I don’t think I would win “employee of the week” but I’d worked, Nate worked, the boys were happy, our house was a mess, but life was good. We started the day with family clean up (one of my favorite activities) and then the boys headed to Grandma Debbie’s for a night away. Upon arriving at her house, I took the turn into her parking lot sharp, opened the van door, and let 2 boys and 2 suitcases tumble out while I peeled away like I was driving a getaway car. Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but I was grateful for a break. Grandma had new outfits for the boys and they were in the pool before I even made it home.

Nate and I were supposed to have an event for my work, but it got postponed. Instead, we went out on a double date with friends (who were also supposed to be at the event and still had a babysitter). We ate a great meal and laughed and laughed and laughed. We had such a fun night!

Today the boys spent the day with Grandma and had a very full day of activity! They went to the play area at the mall, took a trip to the Dollar Tree and spent the day running around nonstop. A perfect way to end the weekend before heading back to school tomorrow.

After almost 2 weeks of no baking, I am back to the kitchen working on Valentine’s Day macs. I am looking forward to a normal week- back on schedule!

Week in January

It was a busy week at our house! Monday and Tuesday, Augustus was home with me because his class was closed due to covid. Gussie and I have missed our Mommy/Gussie time, so having a few days to be together was nice, but busy since I was also working.

We baked banana bread, played board games, colored, went to the bakery, and so much more. In between keeping a 4 year old busy, I was doing laundry, pounding chicken breasts to make chicken cordon bleu, walking the dogs, doing the dishes and, oh yeah, working full time. It was an intense 2 days of full time work/full time parent, but I was happy to spend time with my sweet boy.

On Tuesday, the boys started the next session of swim lessons. Xander is in level 4 and Gussie is level 2. They were both excited to get back to the pool and did so well!

On Wednesday, Augustus was at Grandma Debbie’s house. Xander was busy at school (my lunches this week were random themes!). We played outside after school. Xander usually goes right to sleep at bedtime, but he wasn’t sleepy, so he got to get up and hang out with me and Nate for a bit.

On Wednesday night, Nate got his booster and on Thursday, he was not feeling well! Xander told him, “when I got my shot, I didn’t feel well, but I got better. You will too.” He was very encouraging. He is such a sweet boy.

I was reading my latest Bon Appetite magazine and there was a perfume ad. I rubbed some on my wrists and then the boys wanted to do it. We all liked the nice smell. The next page was an ad for prosciutto. Gussie said, “can we rub that one on too?”
I said, “that one is lunchmeat” and he said, “yeah?”

That kid cracks me up!

On Saturday, the boys and I made rainbow bagels! For Christmas, Kara gave me a kit and the boys have been SO eager to make them. I knew it was going to take a little bit of work, but we finally had the time. My expectations were LOW. The boys were so excited, but their measuring wasn’t exactly precise. I decided it was better to have them help, then to have perfect bagels. However, I was pleasantly surprised when they came out of the oven and tasted great. They were chewy on the outside and soft on the inside. They were great!

On Saturday we had family cleanup time (our house was a wreck) and the boys were super helpful! As a reward for cleaning up, Nate took them to a play place for the afternoon, while I scrubbed, vacuumed, dusted, and deep cleaned the house top to bottom. There is literally nothing I love as much as a clean house!

Sunday has been another busy day! The boys are spending the day and overnight with Grandma and so I was busy running errands and baking cookies. Nate and I had a fancy cheeseboard for lunch and then went out to dinner. After dinner, we stopped at Kowalski’s to buy special desserts and enjoy them on the couch while watching a movie (puppies wanted a bite!). My mom has been keeping the boys super busy and tomorrow they have fun plans since they have the day off from school.

A random conversation with Xander this week-

X- “I want to invent something”
Me- Ok, well usually an invention is in response to a problem, so can you think of a problem you would like to solve?
X- “racism”

Our First Week of 2022

It was so nice to get back to normal! I love a routine and I am happiest when we are on schedule. The boys headed back to school and were busy, happy and excited to see their friends and teachers. I worked regular full days on Monday-Wednesday. Xander’s winter after school activities started- he is taking a STEAM class (science, technology, engineering, art and math… I think I got that right) and french cooking. I am very jealous of his cooking class- how cool is our 6 year old?!

The weather was a little warmer a few days, so I was able to get the puppies outside for some walks. I know it’s only January, but this frigid weather is so miserable.

Tuesday the weather was in the upper 20s, and so a bunch of our neighbors headed to the sledding hill for some after-dinner fun. They sledded for over an hour and had some cocoa and it was great. Have I mentioned once or one million times how awesome our neighbors are?!

On Wednesday, Grandma Debbie had Cora over to her house for the day, and Augustus was the big boy who had to help babysit her. It sounds like he did a great job and he came home tired and happy.

On Thursday, I ditched Nate and the boys to head downtown to the Minneapolis Hilton for 4 days of Youth in Government. Monday-Wednesday, I went back and forth over whether I should go or not. I LOVE YIG and couldn’t fathom skipping it. But with hundreds of teens and volunteers in once place, it seemed like a guarantee that I was going to end up with covid since the new variant is spiking and cases are going up every day.

I really don’t want covid, but I didn’t want to miss YIG, and eventually I decided that I was going to go to YIG and just deal with covid if/when it struck. I decided that if I skipped YIG I could still get it and I’d be SO upset that I’d missed it. I’m still hoping for the best, but, ya know, global pandemic and all…

This was my 17th year at Youth in Government (including last year’s virtual version of the conference). I love seeing my YIG friends. I love the program, I love everything about the 4 days. This year was a little hectic- there were many new delegation directors, we were missing a lot of key volunteers (who either had covid or weren’t willing to risk it), the hotel was short staffed, the bus company was new, the meals had to chance due to changes in the skyways- it was a perfect storm of all the things. And oh yeah, a global pandemic. If we’d only had one or 2 of those things, it would have been easy, but all of that together made it feel a little more chaotic than the past.

However, despite all of that, the program team that planned the conference worked really hard and are the best of the best. Every person at YIG had to take a covid test before arriving, and even though we tested about 60 people throughout the weekend (I’m now and EXPERT at giving home tests), we had less than 10 positive cases. I was really happy I could be there and be part of it, and at some point, we will look back and reminisce fondly about such a crazy year. I was really impressed by how hard they worked to make this happen.

This year was a little different for me too- YIG is one of the programs I work for in my job, so not only was I there as a volunteer, I was there to work- connecting with alumni. YIG has the BEST alumni, because they come back for 4 days to volunteer. I thought camp created loyal alumni, but YIG alumni are PASSIONATE. It’s so fun to be able to work with this group. On Saturday, I joined one of the VIP tours (parents, teachers, donors, alumni, etc). I’ve never done a tour, but I was invited because there were some big alumni/donors on this tour, so I wanted to meet them.

The tour was at the Capitol and each student leader of the program area spoke. I got chills several times throughout the tour and I kept finding myself thinking, “what am amazing program!” which is sort of a ridiculous revelation because I already thought that and have volunteered for 17 years! But I was seeing it with fresh eyes and I was absolutely moved (which, for a cynic like me sounds SO sappy, but I really was). After spending so much time questioning whether going to YIG was worth potentially (aka LIKELY) getting covid, going on the tour was a really good reminder that it absolutely was worth it and I was glad I made the decision to come.

Back at home, Nate was a rockstar solo parent. He and the boys went sledding with the neighbors, had movie night and pizza on the couch. They played a lot of wii (which the boys are currently obsessed with). On Saturday, Nate texted me that Augustus wanted to know “when will mommy be done with her vacation?” which made me laugh out loud because Saturday had been a BUSY day and about as far from vacation as I could get, but I was sort of happy to hear they missed me. I really missed Nate, the boys and the puppies, but it was a FANTASTIC 4 days and I’m so grateful I got to go!

Today the conference ended and I headed home. I took a covid test this morning (no symptoms, I just thought I’d check) and I am still healthy. The boys were at my mom’s house today so when I got home, I was able to fully devote my attention to the puppies (who need a lot of love). I unpacked, did laundry, chatted with Nate, took a short nap, and then my mom brought the boys home. We had a nice dinner together, followed by playing, bathtime, and bedtime (did I mention how much I love routine?!) We snuggled for a long time when I tucked them in and I am happy to be home with my sweet family. I am exhausted after a busy 4 days, but also emotionally filled.