More Celebrating

On Monday, we celebrated Nate hitting level 2 for Edward Jones. Nate started his business a little over 2 years ago and within months of beginning, a global pandemic hit. We’ve seen several people who started at the same time give up and find new jobs. But Nate is gaining more and more clients, growing his office and absolutely rocking it. These last few months, he’s been single handedly supporting our family, while also emotionally supporting me while I’ve gone through my job transition. He is a super star and deserves all the cake and celebrations in the world! 

With Halloween over, I took down the decorations, but the pumpkins were still outside. I let the boys (with neighbor Sam) take hammers and smash them to pieces. They enjoyed kicking and smashing the pumpkins more than they did carving them. 

This whole week was gorgeous unseasonably warm weather. Gussie and I had so much fun at the park and I am going to miss so much one on one time together. 

Saturday morning was Augustus’s buddy Caleb’s birthday party. It was another warm perfect day outside and we had such a fun time! All of the friends at the party have been buddies since they were teeny tiny little babies- Xander and the other big kids used to be in class together and it was fun to have everyone together. I will miss our Kinderberry crew at the end of this year! 

When we got home, the boys ate a very fast lunch and then rushed back outside to play with all their neighborhood buddies. I’m not sure what they were up to, but they were running and chasing and everyone looked very happy. 

Grandma Debbie came over and the kids continued to play outside all afternoon. Nate and I headed to Stillwater for drinks at a brewery and then a night away at a bed and breakfast. We had the most decadent dinner (I nearly licked the plates for appetizer, main course and dessert!). We relaxed in a private hot tub. We enjoyed a spectacular breakfast in bed (delivered in the cutest baskets). My poor mother woke up at 5am with 2 kids and 2 dogs that didn’t get the memo about daylight savings time, while Nate and I got to sleep in and take advantage of the extra hour. We didn’t plan it that way, but I REALLY appreciated her giving us this time away. 


When we got home, the boys were playing outside and they pretty much continued that all day. In the afternoon, Nate took them to the park, and just as they were getting home, Sam and his family was walking to a different park, and the boys were eager to go with- 2 park trips in a row! 

This is my final week being home before the new job begins. I have some home projects, some fun things, and a very full calendar for the week ahead!