October is here!

October is here and that means Xander’s birthday on the 2nd and our wedding anniversary on October 4. A great way to kick off the month! 
Xander’s birthday was on a Friday, so he brought treats to school and got to wear a birthday crown. He was excited about it for days leading up to it. Even more exciting was a surprise early pick up to go pokemon hunting with Uncle Danny. Xander has recently started playing Pokemon Go, which is an app that has virtual pokemon show up all over (our neighborhood has many!) and then you can catch them. It is more detailed than that, and luckily Uncle Danny is an expert. I picked Xander up from school and told him Danny was taking him out. He was SO excited. Danny brought him a Pokemon sweatshirt and hat and he could not have been more thrilled. I wanted to go with them and he was quick to let me know I was NOT invited. 


After pokemon hunting, Grandma Debbie came over for dinner and ice cream cake. 

Dance class is going well for both boys and they are learning lots of moves. 
Last weekend was a bit chilly, but we headed to the apple orchard anyway. Last year we went to the same orchard when it was raining, so I guess that’s how we do the orchard. It was good though- a playground, a petting zoo, apple donuts- it was a great afternoon. 


Is it even the fall until we’ve had apple cider donuts?!
Our boys went to the dentist- it was Augustus’s first visit and he did great! 

We’ve spent lots of time outside since it has been so nice out all week! 

On Friday, Xander got his first ever homework! Next week, he is star of the week and he is VERY excited! He has a huge poster that he has to color and fill out with information. He worked SO hard for several hours of Friday night and Saturday morning. 

Saturday we took family pictures. As soon as we arrived, Augustus said to Nate, “take my picture right here!” so he was ready! 

Today we had a FABULOUS day at the park for Xander’s Pokemon 5th birthday party! The weather was perfect, all of Xander’s buddies came to play, the playground was fun, the games were a hit, and everyone had fun! I made a punch prize board- kids got to punch into a circle to find a tiny pokemon prize inside. I am EXHAUSTED but so happy that he had such a great day. 


We’ve got a quiet week ahead, which I am looking forward to!