Star of the Week

This week Xander was Star of the Week in his class. He worked very hard on his poster last weekend and was very excited and proud to present it to his class. He got to bring show and tell items, be the line leader and a few other jobs throughout the day. 

After a normal at bedtime on Wednesday night, Augustus woke up late that night with a cough and stuffy nose. We spent Thursday and Friday at home, resting and napping (and a short project of painting a pumpkin). He got unlimited popsicles and ipad time, and he was quite content despite an enormous amount of snot coming out of his nose. 

Saturday Nate took the boys to the park and in the afternoon, we painted more pumpkins. 

Today the boys spent the day with Grandma Debbie. 

The weather is starting to get chilly and we even saw some snowflakes on Friday! Hopefully there are a few more warmish fall days left before the winter!