Lead Staff Training Day 1

I spend a lot of time planning fun things for Xander and Augustus. But I also see the benefit of allowing them to be bored sometimes. Since we’ve been at camp, it’s been a lot of fun time for the boys, but today there was a lot of bored time.

The days started rough- it was fun to be home, but I knew it would mess with their adjustment to camp- and it did. Bedtime last night was difficult. On the 15th time they called out, I said, “I’m not coming up there again!” to which Xander replied, “”Daddy would if he was here”. Then he said, “maybe next weekend, you could go home and see your friends and go golfing and Daddy could stay here with us.” Ugh- break my heart. Normal, but still. Ouch.

This morning, there were approximately 5 meltdowns from 7am-9am, before we even left the camper. Both kids ended up in my arms, crying and snuggling, which is unusual- they are usually too busy playing and having fun to stop for hugs or snuggles. Overall, both boys love being at camp and have a lot of fun. But when Xander is tired or frustrated, he will burst into tears and say, “I want to go home!” or “I want Daddy” so there are some tough moments mixed in.

Today was already going to be a tough day because lead staff training started and Grandma Debbie couldn’t be at camp until late this afternoon, which meant the boys and I were just going to have to deal with our situation. They played quietly and independently for about 5 minutes. They ate breakfast while the staff started the day. Then it was a lot of independent play for the boys, while we worked.

Xander and Augustus were very patient. They found things to entertain themselves (yes, that’s a picture of my toddlers playing with chains).

After lunch, Augustus took a 3 hour nap, which was very needed. We moved staff training outside of the camper for a while, so that I could be within the range of the baby monitor while he slept. Xander spent some of the time sitting in training, and then some time wandering around- riding his bike, picking dandelions, throwing rocks and being bored.

He was, overall, very patient. And then GRANDMA DEBBIE ARRIVED.

We were in the dining hall meeting with our kitchen manager when we got the call. I’m not exaggerating, when I say, cartoon like, they both ran in place for a good 2 seconds before dashing out the door screaming GRANDMA! We hopped on the golf cart and raced across camp. Both boys attempted to jump off while we were driving.

Grandma Debbie’s car exploded with Happy Meals, toys, a teeter totter, new outfits, shovels and bags of food. Tic tacs were flying, chocolate milk was flowing, in my mind, there might have been confetti (but maybe that was just my imagination). Both boys were screeching with delight. In a blink, the three of them disappeared somewhere at camp and I headed back to staff training.

We had a picnic dinner outside, played, had snacks, took quick baths and then both boys headed to bed. Tomorrow is sure to be a whirlwind of fun for the boys and more staff training (probably much quieter without 2 little participants).