Camp Kids

We started the day with emergency drills- counselors running through camp, searching for a missing camper. They run to the table, get an assignment, run to that location to clear it, and then run back. Katie was the missing camper and Xander was all about finding her. He very seriously got his assignment and ran to each location. I thought he was going to lose interest or get tired, but he surprised me.
After emergency drills, the boys helped Jacob replace the tomahawk wall. They helped Mary in the camp store. And then they hung out with Katie until lunch. 

Before lunch, we had an impromptu dance party. 

And then it was rest time.

I was with the staff going through emergency drills in the water. And then it was time for canoe tipping, which is one of my favorite staff training activities. We all go out in canoes and one by one, we tip, and the practice rescues. I will have some ugly bruises from hoisting myself back into the canoe, but overall it was a success. Katie, Liberty, Sienna and the boys watched all of us tip from the safety of a paddleboat. I don’t have any photos, but the boys were super cute and enjoyed being part of all the action on the water.

After dinner, we finally checked the mail and X&A had care packages from Grandma Debbie! They were VERY excited.

Tomorrow is the last full day of training and I have SO MANY THINGS to do! I need to finish all cabin assignments, health paperwork, etc. But instead of jumping into all of that as soon as the boys went to sleep, I hand painted a pair of shoes for Xander.

For Christmas, Xander got Captain America shoes, which he LOVES. I made them by ironing patches onto plain slip on shoes. But he has outgrown them and there are holes in them. He hates all of his other shoes (he has several pairs). So the other day, we called Santa (shout out to my brother for his willingness to ad lib without any preparation).
This time, Xander really wanted Green Lantern shoes. Except that the patches I bought were WAY too big. I happen to have a screen printing kit, with fabric paint, so I decided to just paint them. They aren’t perfect, but hopefully they’ll be acceptable to a 3 year old who will probably destroy them by the end of the summer. We’ll see how he reacts tomorrow.