Another Grand Day!

Another great day at Grandview Lodge. This photo doesn’t do the breakfast buffet justice- it’s fabulous and has everything you could ever want. Both boys started with donuts, because it was an easy way to keep them sitting while I loaded up plates for all of us. When I got back to the table, Xander had ordered himself a drink, which I was quite impressed by- I definitely couldn’t have done that when I was 3! This kid appreciates the finer things in life!

We had a full day- playground, swimming, running around outside. There were water balloons and a slingshot launcher that we tried out before lunch. I missed some photo opportunities, but it was a gorgeous, sunny, fantastic day.

Everything at Grandview is so pretty, I wanted to take pictures all day!

 We spent time jumping off this stump for quite a while.

There was also some time for resting.

This afternoon, while Augustus and Nate napped, Xander and I went and got ice cream and popcorn.

Tonight was the dinner and awards banquet. I really wanted to go to this with Nate but I have been in full panic mode about the kids. The dinner was 6-10pm. Childcare was provided, including dinner, but I couldn’t imagine dropping off my babies with strangers and also expecting them to feed them dinner, while also letting them stay up so late. But childcare on Friday went well and Nate and I decided to feed them dinner before dropping them off and see how it would go. I was prepared to drop everything and run to them (they were literally down the hall) if necessary. I think the lesson this weekend is that I sometimes underestimate my children. They were fine! They ate dinner, made a craft project and were all smiles when I picked them up at 9. I think they could have stayed longer if I had been later. I shouldn’t have worried. I had a nice dinner, some cocktails and got to learn a bit more about Nate’s new company. It was a great evening and next year I will let them stay in childcare the whole time. The night was a success!