It’s the first day of camp!! I haven’t seen any of the camp pictures yet (internet is going SUPER slow today), but we were all excited to welcome our first group of campers! We have 100 kids to kick off our summer! It rained (like it ALWAYS does the first week), but everyone seemed excited to be at camp.
Xander was feeling a little shy, but Augustus didn’t hesitate to go onstage as always.
The boys and I had a super fun weekend with Nate at Grandview, but I had 2 tired boys today. We got up and had breakfast, packed, loaded the van, hugged Nate goodbye and headed back to camp. We stopped at the grocery store on the way back and made it back in time for a quick lunch and then I was off to the Sunday staff meeting. While I was in the meeting, there was a little scuffle between brothers. Augustus landed on one of the few paved areas of camp. He has a big scrape on his chin.
At dinner, someone asked, “Oh my! What happened?!” and I said, “he got pushed.” Xander chimed in, “Well, actually, he got tackled.” Brothers.
I need to schedule 100 kids into 3 activities each, as well as assign counselors to each activity. I also need to shower, type several things, and possibly throw in a load of laundry… Camp has begun!