We stayed at home for breakfast today. Some days, Augustus just doesn’t want to get dressed (as in, he was naked all morning, and yes, he peed on the floor twice) and we move kind of slow and it’s better to just eat at home, rather than try to rush them off to the dining hall.
After a slow start to our day, we managed to have a FULL jam packed day of fun! Katie and the boys played all morning long. They rode their bikes and ran around. I fought with the internet that didn’t work and tie dyed with the campers and was busy with a million things.
After lunch, instead of resting (because they never want to rest anyway), we went to the beach to paddle board and swim with Meghan. We were there for 2 hours and they would have stayed longer, but I made them leave so they could rest before the fell over from exhaustion.
After swimming, they ate freeze pops naked and relaxed. Xander got dressed and then ran off to go help Meghan with some golf cart maintenance. Augustus and I took a nap (I dozed off before him, and then woke up after 10 minutes to find him asleep, naked and completely sprawled out in bed.
After maintenance with Meghan, he went off to find Mary and Katie. He is always happy to follow them around and ask questions about what they are doing.
At dinner, Xander was adamant that he was going to sit with Jacob (who was sitting with some campers tonight). I had to do a lot of coaxing to convince him to sit with me. Xander adores Jacob and Mary (both lead staff) and wants to follow them everywhere. So if they are sitting with the big kids, he wants to. That’s a very new development and I can’t imagine my baby going off to sit with big kids, but I have a feeling that might be coming soon.
After dinner, I thought we were going to go home for an early bath time since Xander had not stopped moving since the morning, but he had other plans! He got himself a job! He sat with Mary in the camp store and assisted the whole time. His customer service was excellent.
After camp store, he still wasn’t done. On Monday nights, the all camp game is called Angels and Demons and involves kids running through the forest getting chased by “demons” (counselors). Xander was ready to run fast and be with the big kids. I took Augustus home for bath time and told X to tell Katie whenever he got tired. He said, “if I get tired, Katie can carry me home”. I told him not to play so hard he couldn’t walk, but that Katie would take him home whenever he was ready. He played the whole game and came home at 8pm!
It’s been a FULL day for 2 little boys!