Another 2 hour swim time for the boys today. It was hot and sunny and they both jumped off the dock about 20 times each.
After dinner, Xander went to his job in the camp store. When I went in, he asked what I wanted to order and once I got a bottle of water, he told me to have a nice day. When I didn’t leave, he said, “What are you still doing here?” and I said, “you guys are still here!” and he said, “We work here!” and then literally dismissed me with a wave.
After his shift at the store ended, he and Katie headed off to the dance party. He BARELY gave me a wave and a casual, “bye mom”. Some days he still needs 5 hugs and kisses before I leave him with Katie for an hour, but this “cool dude” thing is new and hopefully temporary. Because I’m definitely contemplating a new baby, a puppy or getting a hobby, because I have LOST my baby!
pre-dane party dancing
The mom part of me is trying not to cry (he was just a tiny baby!). The child development professional knows that he is gaining self confidence, problem solving skills, independence, communication, and so so many other important life skills. When he is not with me, he is with Katie or someone she specifically hands him off to. He’s not just wandering around camp (although he thinks he is). I trust all of the staff 100% and I know they are watching him closely, treating him with kindness and patience and genuinely have his best interest in mind. I know he is safe, loved and being well cared for. This is an ideal situation for him to grow and learn and blossom. He has gone from a baby to a little boy in front of me and it is miraculous to watch and also breaking my heart a little bit. He is so smart and funny and curious and I HOPE he retains some of these memories as he grows up.