What a super fun and busy weekend!
On Saturday, we had our first social outing since the pandemic started. It was Oliver’s 5th birthday and Elliot’s first birthday and so we headed over for a backyard BBQ. I actually really enjoy kid birthday parties anyway, but I was SO excited, like, ridiculously excited for this event. We headed over at 11 and didn’t get home until almost 7pm! I don’t think any of us expected a lunch AND dinner ALL day event, but it was the best day. The weather was perfect. The kids ran and played the entire time. Everyone was so excited to see each other and just be normal and have drinks outside and chat. We got to meet the newest addition to our friend group- baby Ollie is 6 weeks old and was so tiny and perfect and I didn’t even get a picture of her.
The boys jumped into this pool, not exaggerating, 50 times each. It’s been so long since they got to play with friends and I was so so happy they got to play. It was truly a perfect day and I’m so grateful we could all get together.
5 minutes into our drive home, they were both out. When we got home, they both woke up but were extremely tired. We didn’t even take a bath (VERY rare that we skip bath time). They changed into pjs and went right to bed.
Our snuggly dog is learning how to beg for food (which we don’t give him, but he seems to think if he’s cute enough, we will give him a piece of pizza or something). Mostly he just likes to be in the middle of the action and let everyone know he is a baby who needs lots of love and attention.
Today the boys spent the day with Grandma Debbie. I have no idea what they do all day, but they came home exhausted and filthy and happy, so I consider that a successful day. I went to Costco, the grocery store, washed the floors, did some work and then relaxed. It was a fabulous day.
Nate had a late tee time today, so after I picked up the boys from my mom’s house, we had dinner and then played outside for a long time. It was still pretty hot outside, so I knew that we weren’t going to be able to go for a full walk, but I didn’t want to skip it. Augustus has only come on one walk and he got tired quickly and since he was already tired tonight, he got to ride in the stroller. Xander tripped within the first 5 minutes and didn’t have a scratch on him, but did spend most of the walk crying that he was in nondescript pain (which ended after the walk).
Luckily 3 different people pointed out to me that I had my hands full as we passed by, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have realized it…. we all survived and I would have liked to have walked longer because it was a pretty nice night, but all 3 boys were DONE.
Bath, snack and bedtime were fast tonight- they were very tired. It was a busy weekend!