Thursday with Daddy

Starting our day with a morning walk

Today was a fun day, because Nate stayed home with the boys and I went to my office. Xander and Augustus were very excited for their special day with Daddy.

After Xander and I took Axel for a morning walk, I headed to my office to catch up on a lot of work. If you know someone who is managing to work regular hours while their children are home, send them a card or a gift, because they are amazing. I am squeezing work in when the kids are busy or resting, in the evening, and on the 2 days a week they go to my mom’s house. And luckily Nate is flexible enough to take a day off here and there so I can spend the day catching up. I was VERY productive today, so I feel great.

The boys were out and about early and went to 2 different playgrounds. They played until they were so tired that Augustus actually took a nap when they got home!

After lunch, Nate took them to get their hair cut. It has been a LONG time and it was time. The rule at Kids’ Hair is that anyone over 2 needs to wear a mask. I was a little nervous because I wasn’t sure if they would throw a fit or not. Luckily, our friend Mary made very special masks- Star War for Xander and Spiderman for Augustus and they were VERY excited about their masks. I was hopeful that the novelty of the masks would help convince them to keep them on long enough for a haircut.

Before shots-

Nate said they did great! They made it through the haircuts like pros and they look so cute and clean cut!

After shots-

I got home and 2 little boys and a dog rushed the car. Everyone was very excited and it was quite a welcome home! We played outside and they told me about their exciting day. We had dinner and then headed back out for more playing. 
I wish the photos could capture the energy of 2 little boys running in circles and a bulldog in the middle. He does his best to keep up, and he is exhausted by the end of every day. He goes inside from time to time to cool off, but mostly, he wants to be in the middle of everything they are doing. Today Xander was hitting the ball and Axel was chasing it. Then both boys were throwing their airplanes and he was racing them to be the first to get to them when they landed on the ground. Every time he got the airplane, he would drop it right away- he didn’t seem to want to eat it or crush it, he just wanted to be the first to get it. 

After bathtime, Axel and I took a short walk (he was SO tired) and the boys watched tv for a little while. We read some books and then both boys went to sleep as soon as they climbed into bed. It was a great day.