A Great Weekend

Our weekend started bright and early with Xander waking up at 6:15am. He said, “I wanted to see what Axel was doing”. Axel was sleeping, as were the rest of us. Xander has always been an early riser and usually he just gets up and gets himself a snack and his ipad, but I figured I probably shouldn’t leave my 4 year old alone with a 50 pound dog we’d had less than 24 hours (even though he seems very sweet).                                                                                                                                                        Axel has so far, been a very good dog. He is potty trained and hasn’t had any accidents in our house. He wanted to sleep in our bed initially, but he calmed down pretty quickly and snuggled into his dog bed next to ours, and slept through the night both nights. Saturday morning, Xander, Axel and I headed out for a walk at 7:15am. I can’t remember the last time I was out and about that early, but it was a nice walk. Axel is a good walker and we went a little over a half mile. He is very strong and when he sees a bunny or squirrel, it takes my full weight to hold him back.

Saturday was a full day. I went grocery shopping, Nate mowed the lawn, the boys played all day. Axel hung out and got used to his new life. The weather was gorgeous and it was a perfect Saturday.  

He already knows who is most likely to drop food

I’ve said before, I am writing this blog for the boys to look back on when they are older. This is mostly about their lives, but I’ve mentioned Covid-19, the stay at home order, and our last 3 months. On Monday, a police officer was video-taped killing a black man he’d taken into custody. It was awful, and unlike other people killed by police, literally everyone agrees that this was a clear cut murder. There were 3 other officers on the scene as well. They were all fired immediately, but it took a few days for the officer to be arrested, and the other 3 still haven’t been. As a result, there have been riots for the last few days. The last 2 nights, there has been an 8pm curfew for everyone, and the National Guard has been called in to keep the peace.

The rioters have been setting fires, looting, have set 200 businesses on fire. They burned the police station to the ground. It was like watching a scene from a movie or like something you see on the news in a war-torn country far away. But it’s one mile away from us. It’s unbelievable and horrible. I’m not sure what to say. Racism is wrong. Murder is wrong. I shouldn’t have to type either of those sentences. All of it is terrible and sad. The last 3 months have been difficult (a lot of good too, which is my focus of this blog), and now there is a warzone down the street. 2020 needs to get it together.

We are safe- none of the rioting has made it to our neighborhood, and likely won’t (despite being so close by). All of the Targets are closed. As I drove around today, I saw dozens of businesses boarded up (protecting their windows against the crowds that have come out each night). Nate and I have been glued to the tv watching the live coverage each night. But overall, we haven’t been impacted. And most importantly to me is that the boys are too little to be aware of any of this.

Today the boys spent the day with my mom. Her park opened back up, so they were able to ride bikes to the end of her parking lot and it’s right there. She let them paint her sliding glass door. They played with toys and ran around and had a great day.

Nate went golfing early today (7am tee time) so we had another early morning. After I dropped the boys off, I stopped at the store for some frozen marrow bones (which Olivia and Griffin used to LOVE). When I got home, Axel and I went for a walk and then he chewed on that bone for 3 straight hours. He loved it. I got a ton of work done, re-arranged my closet (I’ve been rotating the same 3 tee shirts, until I finally pulled out all my summer clothes today!), and a bunch of other little projects I needed to get done while I had some kid-free time.

Axel and I took another walk this evening, so we ended the day with 2 tired boys and a tired dog. Success.