Our elf has been on a roll this week and Xander is so excited he’s been waking up earlier and earlier each day. I tried to tone down the elf so it wasn’t too exciting, hoping he would sleep a little later, but that didn’t work. So now I’ve just accepted that we’re not going to sleep until Christmas is over.
(chocolate chips for authenticity)
In last week’s update, we started potty training. The weekend was a disaster. I hoped his teachers could help, but Monday, he ONLY peed at naptime when they put him in a diaper to sleep. Tuesday, he had several accidents and when I picked him up at the end of the day, his teachers told me he wasn’t showing any signs of readiness. He hadn’t gotten pee in the potty even once, so this wasn’t surprising. And earlier in the day, a friend of mine told me she hadn’t even started potty training her son until he was 4 and so I felt a little better. Other than the potty training book freaking me out, he really didn’t seem ready, so we decided to pause potty training for a bit longer. I am eager to be done with diapers, but I think waiting is the right thing for him.
On Wednesday, our bunk beds finally arrived. We’ve been waiting for weeks and we were all very excited! When Xander got home, he jumped right into his bed and yelled, “room for me to grow!” Sometimes that kid says things that sound like dialogue from a wholesome family sitcom.
When we’d discussed bunk beds, both boys agreed right away- Xander on top, Augustus on the bottom. I thought we got lucky that they were that agreeable. On the first day, both were a little nervous about the top bunk- climbing up and down was kind of scary. But they both quickly mastered it, and less than 24 hours later, Augustus said, “I don’t like my new bed!” and when I asked him why, he said, “it’s too boring! Xander has the top bunk!” But other than that, they both like their new beds.
On Saturday, we had a playdate with Skylar and Phoebe. Last year, they made Christmas candy houses with us, so we were eager to do it again this year. Both Kate and I are over-thinkers, so we weren’t sure if we should get together and we talked it through at length. But the kids see each other every day at school, both of us wore masks and stayed 6 feet apart, and I think we were pretty safe. I can’t wait for life to go back to normal and we can just have friends over, eat lunch, hang out, and not worry about anyone getting sick. Even though it was a modified visit, we still had a lot of fun and Christmas traditions are definitely more fun when there are friends to share with.
I’ve been baking nonstop this week- I have a lot of Christmas orders coming up! It wasn’t my plan to turn macs into a business, but I really enjoy making them and it’s nice to make them for a purpose.
This morning started at 4:45am with Xander asking if it was time to wake up yet. I said no, but then spent the next 2 hours with him coming back every few minutes to ask again. He has an “ok to wake” clock that lights up at 6:45. But if the light isn’t on yet, it doesn’t matter if it’s midnight or 6:44.
Xander is a great sleeper- he goes to bed without argument, falls asleep within minutes of laying down and sleeps though the night. So I think when he wakes up, it’s just because he is well rested. However, I’ve tried teaching him about consideration. I’ve tried yelling at him. But I haven’t attempted to solve his problem until today. Now he has this clock as well. So when he wakes up, if the star isn’t in the green, he can’t get up. I am HOPING this helps. I’m a terrible sleeper and when I get woken up, I’m rarely able to fall back to sleep. These 5am mornings have to end!
We’ve still got 10 more nights of the elf, so there’s more fun to come this week!