So Much Christmas Magic!

We’ve spent the whole month of December counting down to Christmas and our last week was wonderful! Our elf was busy on a zipline, making us into elves, bringing elf fruit snacks, and, in what’s become a tradition, brought Christmas ornaments in their stockings on Christmas eve- a preview of presents to come. I will miss our elf, but I am ready to have a little less excitement propelling them out of bed early each morning. 

When I started making french macarons 2 years ago, I swore I wasn’t going to sell them. I just liked baking and it’s a great hobby to be creative and do something just for me- a little mom break in the kitchen. But somewhere along the line, it’s turned into a tiny business- enough to pay for my supplies and the rest goes into a “future puppy” fund, but nothing serious. Over the Christmas season, I made 26 DOZEN cookies- nearly all of them for paid orders. I completed some mixed boxes this week and I’m ready for a baking break! Several people who bought cookies have emailed me afterwards with compliments, which has been so gratifying. I love having a creative outlet and I’m happy people are enjoying them. 

Monday- Wednesday were our normal school/work and grandma days. 
On Wednesday, Nate and I both took the day off to finish Christmas prep. Augustus asked for the Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage, which seemed like kind of an excessive gift, but he mentioned it at least 100 times over the course of December. He would have been SO bummed out if Santa had let him down. I wanted Christmas morning to be as magical as I remember it from my childhood, so I was willing to be a little extravagant with such a giant toy. Plus, I know he will play with it a lot, so it won’t be something that just sits in a corner after a week. It came in approximately 100 pieces, so assembly ahead of time was a necessity. 
Wednesday afternoon brought freezing temperature, crazy wind, and snow for a white Christmas (there wasn’t any before that). 

On Thursday morning, we were surprised by freshly snow blowed sidewalks (with single digit temps, that was truly a merry Christmas eve surprise!). I went next door to drop cookies off for our neighbors to say thank you. We haven’t met them yet (it’s covid, plus it’s been chilly out, so we haven’t had a chance to meet anyone in the neighborhood yet), but we were so grateful for their kind act. We chatted for a few minutes and they seem so lovely! And then, as I was leaving, she handed me a Christmas card. But it wasn’t just a Christmas card, but also included a “welcome to the neighborhood” card AND gift certificates for a liquor store and ice cream shop! How incredibly nice, thoughtful and genuinely welcoming! I think we have the nicest neighbors of all time! 

Christmas eve was a wonderful day! It was SUPER cold outside but we were busy all day. I baked a cake, the boys painted ornaments. We hung some more pictures on the walls, did a little cleaning, and obviously played played played. We watched the Santa tracker online for a while. Our plan was the open presents on zoom with Grandma and Grandpa Whited at 3pm. That was a very long time to wait for 2 very excited boys, and I think Xander asked what time it was at least 87 times. After zoom, Grandma Debbie was going to arrive for dinner and a Christmas eve slumber party, so there was a LOT to look forward to. 

With 20 minutes to go before zoom and presents, Xander was twirling around, being silly and his slippery socks (what we call socks without the grippers on the bottom), combined with our hardwood floors knocked him off his feet, directly onto his arm. Kids fall a lot. And kids cry regularly. But there is a different tone to a kid’s cry when he is truly hurt, and this was that kind of scream. Nate and I were at his side in seconds. 
We iced it and I used all of my (limited) first aid skills to assess his injury. We hoped that some zoom time with Grandma and Grandpa and finally opening presents would help. 

Unfortunately he was miserable and wanted nothing to do with presents (a bad sign). It was 3pm. I was running through every scenario- take him to the ER or wait, ER, wait…. Would he bounce back with a little more ice? Would he be miserable all though dinner? I called Children’s Hospital and they told me there wasn’t much of a wait at the moment. I hoped we could get in, x-rayed, and be home by dinner (with peace of mind and *hopefully* not a broken kiddo). 

Xander was NOT happy to have to make a trip to the hospital. He was very sad. Luckily we got right in without delay and shortly after a dose of advil, he was feeling much better. We got an x-ray and then had to wait a bit, but the xray tech gave him pokemon cards and a water-wow coloring book, so he was feeling happy. As the waiting got longer and longer, I started to think maybe we could just leave. He seemed fine. We were both getting hungry and we were both sick of sitting at the hospital. 

However, the doctor came back and said that while she didn’t see any breaks, there was a lot of fluid around his elbow, which could mean some hairline fractures they can’t see, or maybe just a painful hit. She told me they wanted to splint it for a week to see if the rest would help it heal (hard cast material on the bottom, wrapped in soft bandages to hold it together). After a week, we’ll follow up with ortho to determine if he healed or if he needs a full cast. Xander was SO upset with big tears and such sad concern about an inability to unwrap presents. Luckily the nurse and doctor were WONDERFUL and took time to talk with him, listen to his fears, reassure him, and tell him maybe they could find some surprises to help him be brave. I really appreciated their kindness and gentle way with him. I was having some intense mom-guilt, ready to burst into tears. It’s so hard to see your baby in pain and sad, and not be able to fix it. And it was heightened because it was Christmas eve and I’d envisioned a perfect, snuggly, happy, magical day.  
I was also feeling really concerned, composing an email to his doctor as I sat there. Xander broke his leg 2 years ago at the trampoline park. He just happened to land funny and then there was a scream. It’s a common injury, so we weren’t overly concerned. But as we were sitting in the hospital with a *potential* second break I was feeling like a terrible mother?! Is something wrong with my baby? Does he have some kind of vitamin deficiency?! I’ll be calling his doctor on Monday, despite the doctor assuring me that “these things happen”. In the meantime, I feel like I somehow did something wrong and I feel awful! 
Once they calmed both of us down and as the doctor got ready to put on his splint, the nurse returned with a popsicle and a remote control car and some legos. Xander’s eyes LIT UP and he was in MUCH better spirits. I said, “I wonder what moms get if they break their arm?” and he said, “probably phones and mom stuff” which I wish was true, but, joking aside, while we DO NOT need another toy in our house, I was SO grateful for whoever the donors were who made that possible. Being at the hospital on Christmas eve went from HORRIBLE to not so bad. I have never been so happy to see him receive a gift as I was in that moment. 

He got his splint and we walked out with a pile of presents. 

We got home in time for dinner (later than my usual 5:30, which everyone knows I’m pretty rigid about, but an hour later wasn’t so bad). My mom’s favorite food is crab and I surprised her with some gorgeous king crab- it was AMAZING and such a decadent meal. 
We feasted, finished with pineapple upside down cake, and then we changed into our Christmas jammies (including Grandma). We set out cookies for Santa and then then boys headed off to bed, excited for Santa to come! 

I got stockings filled and presents set out. Both boys were soundly asleep. My mom, Nate and I hung out for a while and then went to bed! What a day! 

Xander woke up at 2am and wanted to know what time it was (NOT yet time to get up!) and needed some more advil, but he actually slept until 6:30 (which is pretty reasonable for him) and Augustus slept until 7:30! 
They were SO excited. It was a magical morning and worth every bit of work over the last month. These boys already have SO MANY TOYS and I’m not sure we even have room for more, but it was SO fun to hear them squeal and be so excited. They won’t be little forever, so bring on the piles of presents. 



After presents and stockings, they played and played. I made egg cups and cherry puff pastry (the boys ate toast). 

Danny and Heather arrived at 11 and we had mimosas and a full bloody mary bar. 

Then it was time for MORE presents. More playing. Appetizers (Danny smoked a salmon that was literal heaven in your mouth). 


We ate late lunch/early dinner of beef tenderloin, potatoes, brussel sprouts, salad and tuxedo cake. It was so scrumptious- my perfect meal. 
After we ate, we hung out, played 90s trivia, Danny and Xander traded some pokemon, and the boys played with their new toys. It was a fabulous, wonderful, amazing day. 

Christmas is so so magical and wonderful. Also SO much work. We went from the craziness of moving to the insanity of Christmas and I think all of us are a little exhausted. Evening meltdowns led to an early bedtime tonight. I am looking forward to a little less excitement in January! 
Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!