And That’s a Wrap!

What a week and weekend we’ve had! It felt like it lasted forever, but I don’t mean that in a negative way- we crammed so much into the last 7 days, I can’t believe it was all one week.

Monday-Wednesday were the final days of school. Monday was the last Gussie/Grandma day and they were busy as usual. On Tuesday, Xander’s class performed the play they’ve been working on in drama class. He was a very convincing badger and it was a wonderful show. Xander and his friend Sammy have been fulfilling orders for the kindergarteners all year. The kindergarteners would make a list of requests and give it to Mr. Myles, who would give it to them. They would draw what the kindergarteners requested and then give the drawings to Mr. Myles to hand out. It was very serious business and the last orders were delivered on Tuesday.

Wednesday was the last day of pre-K for Gussie and the last day of 1st grade for Xander. They have both learned and grown so much this year, and we have had such a great year. They loved their teachers (me too) and they both had lots of friends. I’m so proud of both of them and I have loved every moment of watching them learn.

Wednesday was a half day. Nate picked the boys up from school, brought them home, and then headed off to a 5 day golf trip in Wisconsin. He got up early and golfed all day for days in a row. There was drinking, grilling, and lots of dude time.

While Nate was gone, the boys and I had a busy few days. Thursday night was soccer. Xander refused to play and spent the whole game on the sidelines. I asked him why he didn’t want to play and he said, “daddy isn’t here and I’m just a little sad. Also, soccer is boring and hot.” So that was that for him.

On Friday, I worked in the morning and the boys had unlimited screen time. After that, we headed to Grand Slam for 4 hours (!) of fun. Laser tag, bumper cars, trampoline, play area, slushies and pizza for dinner… I think they would have stayed forever if I had let them. We will definitely be back again.

Saturday Uncle Danny came over to teach the boys some exercises. Xander has been interested in working out lately, but the last time he worked out, he ran 1.5 miles with no shoes and then did bicep curls for 10 minutes, so we decided to bring in a professional to give some guidance.

Before they worked out, Danny had brought me a table and he moved it from his truck to my backyard. To get it over the gate, he picked the table up and carried it over his head. The boys were SO impressed. They volunteered to carry the chairs and also lifted them above their heads.

The three of them worked out and then got into the pool to cool down. Just 3 muscle-men hanging out, showing off their abs.

After working out, the boys and I went to Spinning Wylde, which is a new cotton candy cafe that I needed to check out! $15 later, the boys were VERY unimpressed. So much for that adventure! We went to the library to sign up for summer reading and get some free books. When we got home, we had rest time, and it started POURING rain. I meant to screen time to last only 20 minutes or so, but the rain was so relaxing and so we all laid in my bed, the boys with ipads and me reading a book. The thunder crashed and it was just gloriously relaxing. We spent over an hour laying together until the rain stopped. We ordered pizza for dinner and the boys slept with me in my bed.

Today the boys went to Grandma Debbie’s house and they all went to see the new Spiderman movie. Spoiler alert, apparently it ends in a “to be continued” and no one was satisfied with the ending.I spent the day grocery shopping, sorting through all the boys’ papers from the year, baking, cooking, and all the things moms need to get done. Every day, we put the papers the boys bring home into baskets. At the end of the year, I choose 10 things to keep for each kid. I have a 3 ring binder that I save them in. This was a pro-tip from my super-mom bestie, who helped me figure out how to save things without being a complete hoarder. It’s a good strategy and forced me to sort through all of their papers.

Nate got home and life is back to normal. I’m so glad he could have some time away and have fun, but we definitely missed him!

We had 4.5 days of fun, endless playing, lots of screen time, too many freezie pops, staying up late, and running wild. But now we’re back to a normal schedule as the boys head to basketball day camp next week!