We are here and summer has officially begun. For the past week, we’ve been watching the camp promo video. Xander has been saying, “Xander go to camp, watch big kids jump in the mud” because that’s his favorite part of the video. We’ve been talking about all the fun things we will do at camp. On Friday, I spent the day packing. Xander was a big helper- he touched every single piece of clothing I packed. He kept unpacking the boxes of toys I had packed. And at one point, he packed his own bag (he included a stuffed animal, 3 socks, a too small shirt, and his toy pup pad).
On Saturday, Nate and I loaded Nate’s car with bags and boxes and groceries. Xander was adamant that he would help, so we gave him all the lightweight things to carry. I hope he always thinks helping is fun. He kept saying, “I need to go with you!” But that wasn’t the plan.
I arrived at camp in the early afternoon. The traffic had been terrible so it took me an extra hour to get here. The power was out when I arrived and it was about 80 degrees and humid as I unloaded everything… pretty typical for camp. I scrubbed the inside of the camper, fixed the floor, unloaded and organized all of our stuff and then took a very cold shower because the hot water tank wasn’t working. Summer is here.
Today, Xander, Augustus, Nate and Olivia arrived in a van bursting with the rest of our stuff. We unloaded and organized everything and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring camp, driving the jeep and playing with all of the toys Xander hadn’t seen in 24 hours. We ate dinner, had baths, played a little more and now 2 boys are asleep.
Our summer has officially begun!