Random Shots From the Week

Katie loves Batman. Xander happens to have a batman shirt (complete with a cape!). He doesn’t know who Batman is yet, but since Katie loves Batman, now Xander does too. 

The hardest part about being at camp all summer is being away from Nate all week. We facetime every day, but Xander misses Daddy and I miss Nate, and Nate misses all of us. But the best part about being at camp is having so many amazing staff who love my kids. I love looking through the daily photos and seeing shots of Xander with the counselors. I love when he gets excited about something and says, “let’s go show Meghan!” I love watching him interact with staff- he doesn’t hesitate to boss people around- “Amanda! Push my chair in” at meals or “Katie! I need some chocolate milk”. It’s so wonderful to be in a community of wonderful people who are quick to offer to help with Xander or hold Augustus. This team of summer staff is the best group we’ve had in years. I am going to miss all of them at the end of the summer and I think the boys will too. 

This is a random shot from the other day. This little dude has been VERY uncooperative about nap time lately and consequently, will fall asleep at random times like when we’re in chapel, rather than in his crib. I keep trying to explain to him that someday, he will be old and tired and will WANT to take a nap, so he should take advantage now, but he is tough to reason with.