Catch Up

The last 2 weeks have flown by. We’re adjusting to the new school year, but September is sort of a difficult month. The boys are working hard at school- new schedules, new friends, lots to learn, and it’s exhausting! They are enjoying school, but they are also very tired. I know that by October, we will have less meltdowns and exhaustion, so we’re all just being patient with each other as we get into the routine.

The boys are busy with tennis lessons, and Augustus started the next session of swim lessons.

After Unglued camp, I always come home with new recipes and this year was no different. I’ve been experimenting a bit and have added a few new things to our menu. I’ve also been playing around with watercolor painting, which was one of the classes I took. I DO NOT NEED ANOTHER HOBBY! I keep repeating that to myself, but every time I finish a painting, I want to try it again.

Gussie is enjoying Pre-K, Xander is working hard on his daily reading chart and KT is busy with lots of homework. We took the pool down last weekend which felt like an official goodbye to summer. I can’t wait to put it back up next year!

This week was homecoming, so there was lots of fun for the week. There were different dress up days for KT in upper school. There was all school spirit day on Friday. KT is in the jazz band and when I found out they were playing at the pepfest, I cleared my calendar so I could go watch (and take photos and video!). It was so fun to see the whole school together. There were silly games and lots of cheering. Xander got chosen to represent 1st grade in one of the games and he was SO proud of himself. I was an obnoxious mom who got right up close to the band so I could take pictures, but KT’s mom was happy to see them, so that won’t be the last time I do that.

On Friday, Augustus went to Camp St. Croix for the day (he doesn’t go to pre-K on Fridays). They have a program every other Friday and he spent the day on the farm. They picked raspberries, made beautiful bouquets and he came home tired, dirty and happy.

On Friday night, there was an Upper School barbecue and KT was not excited to go (he was pretty crabby about it actually). Nate and I said he had to go to that and the dance on Saturday. He has to meet people and experience all that school has to offer. I was nervous he was going to be miserable, but he was absolutely bouncing when he got home. Major teen-parenting win on our part! He also seemed to enjoy the dance on Saturday night.

Friday night we had a last minute slumber party with Olive and Emmett which was super fun! We had dinner, set the kids up in the basement with a movie, they played and then everyone was in bed by 9! On Saturday morning, we had a chocolate chip pancake party and then they got picked up. It was so fun to have them over! On Saturday, Nate came in first place in a golf tournament, I ran 8 miles, the boys played an excessive amount of Roblox (unlimited screen time when mom is busy running), and everyone relaxed.

Today the boys spent the morning with Grandma Debbie and then we had family photos in a park. Augustus cried literally the entire time, so we’ll see how the photos turn out. Luckily we have a super awesome photographer who wasn’t thrown off by a crying child.

We’ve got a normal week ahead!