Updates From the Past Few Days of Training

Nate was here Friday-Sunday. He drove up late on Friday straight from the airport. He flew in after spending last week in St. Louis for his final part of Edward Jones training. He has been studying, testing, training and preparing for 6 MONTHS and finally, he’s official! We are very proud of him and we were very happy to have him at camp! The boys were eager to spend time with him and I was very busy with training, so it was a boys’ weekend! They went fishing, played all over camp, ate treats, watched camp staff in training, and hung out.

Nate left late last night.

Katie is doing a duel role as nanny/lead staff this summer. She is confident, a strong leader, and rocking it as a lead staff (and she’s amazing with X&A), so I think it’s a great fit. The majority of the day was super hands on training and I wanted her to be able to lead and contribute to those sessions, so the boys and I spent most of the day together. I got a little bit of actual work done (probably not as much as I should have), but it was nice to just have a day to snuggle, play, dance, dig holes, ride around on the golf cart, climb in the lockers, swing in the sky chairs- a lazy summer day outside, exploring, getting dirty and rarely ever looking at the clock. Days like that are rare and I enjoyed it.

Xander has also become quite the performer! He loves the microphone. He loves the stage. He gets more and more confident every day.

Both boys have ZERO hesitation to go onstage while staff are performing or speaking. I’m not sure how they will react when there are 100 kids sitting there too, but for now, they are quite comfortable on stage.

I was surprised today though- Xander and Augustus were with the staff singing songs and I was finishing something somewhere else. When I got down to the stage, they didn’t see me and I watched Xander on stage, singing and doing the actions to the songs. He was very cute. But as soon as he saw me, he ran off stage and was all of a sudden very shy. I was surprised to see him get embarrassed.