
Our first 3 days of kindergarten are complete and I think they were a success! Xander was in a good mood all 3 days when I picked him up. He was eager to go to school each morning. He came home with lots of stories and positive feedback on lunch, activities and his classmates. It’s early on, but as good of a start as I could have hoped for. 

At daycare, there are regular updates on an app and a decent amount of teacher feedback. I was trying to prepare myself for the wild world of elementary school, but the good news is that so far, they’ve held our hands quite a bit. There is an app that gets updated regularly. There was a first day of school email from his teacher. I’ve gotten a few photos from during the day. They are being very strict about visitors but we got to walk him to his classroom this first week.  
The lunch room is different this year (due to covid), so instead of him going through a lunch line (which he was very excited about), kids choose their meals ahead of time and the meals are delivered to the classroom. This is how meals worked at daycare, so I actually think it’s an ok transition. I look forward to when we don’t have to worry about a global pandemic, but in the meantime, I think it’s ok for my kindergartener to have his meals in his classroom. 
At the beginning of the week, we choose his lunch options (he can also bring cold lunch if he wants). There is a chef, and according to Xander, the meals have been good so far. 

School is 8am-3pm and his schedule is busy with specialists. He goes to PE 3 times a week, which he is LOVING. The first half of the year, he is taking french and then the second half, he will take spanish. He has music, drama, library, art and goes outside twice a day. I don’t have anything to compare it to, but it seems like a pretty good schedule. 

I’ve bonded with a few other kindergarten moms while standing outside waiting to pick up. The big kids get picked up from a LONG line of cars. If you are parking (which kindergarten parents are required to do), you can bypass the long line to get into the parking lot, but that’s not immediately apparent, so we are all learning together. There are approximately 17 doors, and morning drop off happens at the front door, while afternoon pick up happens at the kindergarten door (they have their own entrance). 

Xander has 12 kids in his class- there are 6 boys and 6 girls. There is a second kindergarten class as well. 
3 days into kindergarten and that’s what I know so far.