School’s Out!

We were feeling festive all week long because the end of the school year had arrived! Monday night was impromptu root beer floats with our neighbors.

On Tuesday, Pre-K went on a field trip to the local fire station. Augustus was very excited and has pointed it out all week long since then. I was in macaron mode every moment I wasn’t working, as I had a wedding order due on Friday. I had to skip soccer to bake, but Nate said both boys did awesome and they are getting better every week!

Wednesday was kindergarten graduation and Xander’s last day of school! Kindergarten has been so wonderful! His teacher was attentive and fun and made every day interesting. He made friends, he learned a lot. He lost a bunch of teeth. He is trying to grow his hair out to look like Thor.

Graduation was at 9am on Wednesday. Before Nate and Xander left to go to school, I hugged him and was having a moment- telling him how proud I was and how much he’d grown. He looked at me and said, “I’ll see you in an hour” in case there was any question of whether this kid is a mini Nate….

When we got to school, his kindergarten room was packed with parents and grandparents. The kids processed in, and then his teacher had a slideshow and spoke about each kid. The handed out medals and the kids sang the school song. They all danced out of the room to “Two Legit to Quit” which was the song their class chose to represent them. We took lots of photos, the kids played on the playground, and then we all headed to a local park to have a picnic lunch and play some more. It was a fabulous morning.

Wednesday night was the first night of tee ball for Xander. He’s actually pretty good at hitting, so I am excited to see him play!

On Thursday, Xander hung out while I worked. It was kind of a boring first day of summer break. At the end of the day, all of us headed to KBH for pre-K graduation. I have loved every moment at Kinderberry and I am so sad to leave. I sent the director a long email thanking her for an amazing experience.

On Friday, I had planned to have Augustus go to school for a short time to say goodbye and pick up his stuff for his final day. But they had a movie and pizza day, so he wanted to go the whole day. That meant he skipped his first swim lesson of this session, but I was glad he got one more day with his class. After school, we had early dinner and then headed out front for an ice cream sundae party with the neighbors. After dinner, before ice cream, I drove to Como to deliver wedding cookies. The photos the wedding planner sent me afterwards were amazing! Sometimes I don’t recognize my own cookies. I got home just in time for sundaes. We were outside until 8:15, the kids running around, the adults having cocktails- everyone very excited for the summer!

Saturday started with a small mom-fail. I was very excited to surprise the boys with a bunch of fun summer things- water guns, chalk, airplanes, nets, etc. I set it all up after bed with a sign that said, “happy first day of summer”. Well, Xander was QUITE upset when I came downstairs on Saturday morning. He assumed it was all fo Augustus since he had already had 2 days of summer. He had written some crabby notes (“No stuff for Xan” and “Here’s your stuff. Happy 1st Day Gus”). We talked about it and I assured him I would never leave him out and while he was right, he’d already had 2 days off, I was counting Saturday at the first since everyone in the neighborhood, him, Gussie, etc were finally done with school. He bounced back once he knew half of the stuff was for him.

Saturday was a party day for us as we headed to Christine’s house for a dia-versary for Evie. A year ago, my god-daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and this was a party to celebrate her, her family and all that they’ve overcome this year. I was excited to go early to be able to help with set up. There was a giant inflatable obstacle course, a pinata, one million kids and lots of good food (and a popcorn maker!). Christine knows how to throw a party! At 8pm, we had to pull our boys out of the obstacle course- Augustus had played every single minute since we arrived, stopping only when we forced him to take a water break every now and then. It was such a fun day! Evie has been so brave this year and Christine and Derek have been super parents, so it was a really nice opportunity to celebrate all of them.

Today was yet another day of fun and activity for us. The boys went to Grandma Debbie’s house for playing and swimming. Nate and I did some organizing and cleaning projects and then assembled our new pool. Last summer we had a blow up pool, but the dogs popped it. So we needed something a little more substantial. I did NOT mean to end up with THIS big of a pool, but apparently we are above-ground pool people now. The water was ICE cold when the boys arrived home in the afternoon, but that didn’t stop them from jumping in. It will be perfect in a few days, but it was fun for them to try it out. Meanwhile, I was at a Sunday afternoon wedding as a plus one! When my friend Becky needed a date, I was happy to join her. I like getting dressed up, I like cake. I like hanging out with Becky!

The summer is officially here and if the first few days were any indication, we are going to be BUSY!