A Visit to Camp

Xander, Augustus, my mom and I went to camp yesterday for a short trip so I could scavenger some supplies. After I wrote out my emergency action plan last week, I realized that most of the supplies I wanted but couldn’t get were at camp. So I decided we would make the trip to gather some necessities. I plan to return or replace anything I brought home, once life is back to normal and you can actually buy all the things you want in the stores. 
First we headed to the dining hall, which is boarded up, dark and dusty, but still a fun place to ride bikes and shoot rocket launchers. 

We went to the camp store, the welcome center, and the camper. It was chilly and VERY windy outside, so once we were done going building to building, we went back to the house and the boys and my mom cleaned out the fireplace, so we could build a fire.

We ate dinner and then roasted marshmallows and made multiple s’mores. We had lots of snacks (it’s not a surprise that the boys love camp).

The staff house is the only building on camp that is heated all winter, so we store a lot of random supplies (archery equipment, lifeguard tubes, first aid supplies, art supplies, etc). There are piles of random stuff everywhere, which was perfect for 2 little boys to climb over and under.

more snacks

We found bleach, gloves, masks, lysol, clorox wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, and bandanas.

Today we woke up to snow on the ground and it was even colder than yesterday! We packed the van full, rode bikes once more, and then headed home. I’m eager to return to camp when it is warmer.

It was a whirlwind trip, but I feel better now that we have all the supplies that we will need in the event that either (or both) of us get sick. And it was good to check up on camp and see that it was in good shape after a long winter.