Monday- Trolls/Rainbow Week

Mondays are always so busy! This week, we are doing a Trolls/Rainbow week of fun activities. On Saturday, we are going to watch the new Trolls movie.

I re-set the books in the cozy corner. I highly recommend if you have a way to display kid books, to change them regularly. Xander gets very excited and we end up reading different books instead of the same few favorites. And even though these are all old books, they were excited like they were brand new.

At school, they take the kids outside twice a day. Bless those teachers hearts- to bundle a bunch of toddlers, then go out in the cold, and then put mittens on over and over again… they are angels. I was trying to channel my inner early childhood development professional and psych myself up to go outside, because I did not want to do that this morning. We were only out for about a half hour, but I was really glad we went out. It was cold, but it was sunny and it felt good to be outside.

Yesterday the boys and my mom collected fresh snow for snow cones. They remembered that the cups of snow were in the freezer and were obsessed with the idea of snow cones. So when we came inside, I found some maraschino cherries and used the syrup to make snow cones.

The boys were in such good moods today. They played nicely all day. Before lunch, they played for almost an hour and let me work and do laundry while they entertained themselves.

After lunch, we made the cloud from the Trolls movie. I couldn’t believe how long they both worked on these. They both glued all of the cotton themselves. I was very happy they enjoyed it. 
After that, we played with a little Trolls dice that I made. Each square has something to do- hug, tell a joke, dance, sing, etc. The boys LOVED it. I thought we’d do it for a minute or two. We played with this for a long time and then later in the day as well. 
We did some Trolls tracing sheets and then played Trolls Bingo. We did a Trolls puzzle. And then we made handprint Trolls (Xander got sick of coloring pretty quickly).

After all that, it was only 3pm and so we decided to head back outside. When we were at the secret lair in the morning, I thought that we should probably try sledding since it’s hilly over there and snowy. So that was the plan. It had warmed up a lot by the afternoon and the snow was almost gone! I ended up pulling them down the hill on sleds- the most difficult way anyone could sled, but actually, it was perfect for them, because they didn’t go too fast and they loved it. We went down (and ran back up) the hill about 25 times (not an exaggeration). I was SO tired.

When we finished sledding, Nate was home from work and he made the boys some hot cocoa while I went to Trader Joes. The boys had quiet time while I cooked dinner.

After dinner and bathtime, they played in the basement with Nate for a little while and then it was wrestle with daddy time, read books with mommy time, and then bed!

Somewhere in between all of that, I did 4 loads of laundry, changed the sheets on all of our beds, washed a million dishes (our dishwasher is broken), did some work, cooked 3 meals and made a batch of macarons.

I am EXHAUSTED, but today was wonderful. The boys were so happy all day. Xander loved the activities (at one point, while they were playing, he said, “let’s do more Trolls activities”). And it is nice to start the day slowly- not rushing to get anywhere- just sitting on the couch drinking coffee while the boys play, eventually eating breakfast and getting dressed. It’s nice to do whatever we want. We have a schedule and I have a long to-do list every day, but nothing is mandatory, and I can adjust based on how we are all feeling. I love that.

More Trolls and rainbows ahead tomorrow…