
A busy Saturday for us. Our new dishwasher was delivered at 8am, so we were up and rolling early. After the delivery guys left, I washed the floors and cleaned the bathroom and did some laundry. Nate kept the boys busy outside while I was cleaning.

After that, I went grocery shopping, and Nate and the boys played inside. After lunch, they took my van to get a carwash and fill up with gas while I cleaned and got ready for our movie afternoon.

The boys and I made soft pretzels. They’re easy to make and super delicious. I highly recommend these!

For our movie afternoon, I covered the window with a big white sheet and used the projector from my office to create a movie theater set up. I rotated the couch and popped popcorn and we all snuggled in with our pretzels and cheese, popcorn and drinks.

I love the first Trolls movie and it was the first movie Xander watched over and over when he was about 2. I was very excited for the new movie and it did not disappoint. I have the movie and music taste of a 2nd grade girl, so all the bright colors, singing, peppy music, and dancing was fabulous. I loved it.

Augustus and Nate fell asleep towards the end, but Xander and I enjoyed the whole movie!

When the movie was over, Nate and Augustus moved to their beds for more rest and Xander and I hung out. He got a letter in the mail from his favorite camp staff Mary. He said, “best friends send each other mail.” He was very excited to get a letter!

We don’t often order dinner, but tonight we ordered burgers from JR Macs, which our neighbors own. The food was SUPER good, and I didn’t have to cook, so it was my favorite dinner in a long time!

Then we took advantage of the nice weather and played outside after dinner.

this is Xander being a rock star