2 Week Check in

I think I can sum up the last 2 weeks by saying that we have been playing nonstop. Our whole life revolves around playing with the neighbors and I am so incredibly grateful. More than one person has commented to me that we moved into a 1950s neighborhood, which is accurate and also fabulous.

Highlights from last week- I met Christine for lunch and we both ordered (what turned out to be) the most giant desserts ever. Time spent with my bestie AND huge dessert= basically my ideal day.

While spending the night at Grandma’s, they texted to let us know that Xander lost another tooth (his 4th).

The boys were overnight with Grandma Debbie on Friday while Nate and I went to the MPA fundraising gala. It was quite an event with a silent auction, live auction, fund-a-need (my favorite fundraising thing ever), and dinner. It was fun to get dressed up and go out and I actually really enjoy events!

Last Saturday, we picked the boys up from Grandma’s and headed right to a birthday party for our neighbor Sam. He tuned 6 and celebrated at Dodge Nature Center. We got to hold and pet baby farm animals, eat pizza and cake, and then the kids played and built with huge sticks. When we got home from the party, the kids all got back together and played outside in our neighborhood until it was almost dark.

Last Sunday we went to my cousin Deena’s house for a belated Easter gathering. She made an absolutely lovely pot roast lunch and there was SO much amazing food. She and my cousin Laura had hidden eggs around the house for the boys. Inside was monopoly money and the boys got to “buy” prizes they had bought for them. It was SO clever and so fun and I was impressed (and grateful for their effort!).

This week was another busy week of wonderful things. Xander lost ANOTHER tooth (and has another loose one in his mouth!). On Wednesday, it was Grandparent’s Day at Xander’s school. Grandma Debbie got to spend the morning in his class. She had a great time. This spring has been SO cold and rainy, so every time it’s nice, we take advantage, so Wednesday night, after dinner, we went with our neighbor’s to the park. On Friday, Xander had the day off from school. We got a very good recommendation for a restaurant called Sushi Train. There is a conveyor belt that goes all the way around the restaurant with small plates of sushi that you grab as they pass by your table. Nate, Xander and I went and it was SO fun. Xander loved being in charge of grabbing our food as it came by and he ate a LOT of sushi.

Friday night was the first official happy hour of the summer, although it was still quite cold. We are all eager for the warm summer nights ahead!

On Saturday, I met a friend for brunch and Nate stayed home with our kids and the neighbor kids. The 4 kiddos spent the whole day alternating between our house and their house. It was a cold rainy day and I was grateful that we can finally (Safely) play inside without worrying about a global pandemic.

Saturday night was our neighbor Sean’s birthday party. The party didn’t start until 8pm, which is around the time I put my pjs on every night. I have really leaned into being a morning person and I enjoy going to bed early and getting up early. Speaking of early mornings, Nate had a very early golf tournament on Sunday, so he decided to opt out of the party and I went with some other neighbors. The party was at the Minneapolis Cider Company, which is a very cool space, that also has pickle ball courts. I wasn’t actually planning to play, but as soon as we got there, all of us ended up on the court and the time flew by. I was not planning to do a sport at 11pm, but that’s what I was doing!

Today was another cold, rainy day. Nate’s golf tournament was re-scheduled at the last minute. The boys spent the day with Grandma Debbie- they swam, they painted, they went to McDonalds. They came home and we had an after dinner dance party. They are such fun, silly kids.

We have another full week of fun ahead of us. And hopefully the sun will come out soon. It’s May!