
Today was a fabulous day! Nate was home today, and we started the morning with all 4 of us cleaning up and organizing toys. I’d totally let it go for a few days and our living room was in shambles, so it felt great to get everything neatened up.

From there, both boys said, “let’s do an activity” which is pretty cute. Nate joined us for “small group time”. We started out “playing in the clouds” which was really just a bunch of white balloons and a fan. But the boys loved it and it kind of reminded me of this cool thing they have at the Children’s museum that pumps air out and you can get ping pong balls to hover. Nate had the balloons hovering in midair and it was super cool

After that, we decorated parachutes and then experimented by dropping them and seeing how long they stayed in the air.

After parachutes, Nate made the boys paper airplanes and we made a runway to see how far they could throw them.

Right before lunch, our doorbell rang, but no one was there! There were 3 may day baskets sitting there to surprise us!

The Nelson family was out and about delivering joy. There were bubbles and treats for the boys and a cocktail, tea towel and treat for me! It was SUCH a fun surprise and so cute!

Augustus said, “we’ve never even had bubbles!” which isn’t true (we’ve had a million bubbles), but his appreciation was cute. We headed outside to blow bubbles.

My mom arrived shortly after that and she and the boys played outside nonstop. The rode bikes, ran around, adventured for hours. Nate got the entire backyard and flower beds cleaned up. I re-organized our buffet, which has been 6 FULL drawers of junk for a while now. I took every single thing out and ended up with a FULL garbage bag. Everything is in perfect order now and I feel so fantastic that the mess has turned to order!

My mom helped Nate finish the flower beds while the boys took some rest time. I washed and put away a load of laundry, washed the floors and cleaned the bathroom. It was SUCH a productive day!

We had dinner, bath time and now the boys are in bed and I’m drinking a mojito to end the day! Happy May Day!