The Last 2 Weeks

We’ve had 2 full weeks of fun! Last Monday (March 21), the weather was unseasonably warm- just a perfect temperature, so we joined the neighbors and walked to the ice cream shop after dinner. The kids were being silly and giggly and kinda of tumbling along, the sun was still out, the breeze was warm- I was overcome with how perfect of a moment that it was. Our kids are at such a fun age and sometimes I am literally overwhelmed with happiness in these seemingly ordinary moments of life.

The weather did not cooperate the rest of the week- it was cold with icy rain. It was a normal schedule with the boys at school and Gussie with Grandma on Wednesday.

On Thursday, Kara and Jud flew in from St. Louis and I headed to downtown Minneapolis for the Model United Nations conference. The dogs fell in love with Kara and Jud and luckily they weren’t annoyed by the aggressive love and instead, sent us cute pictures of all of them snuggling throughout the day.

I was only at Model UN overnight, but I really enjoyed seeing my Youth in Government buddies and talking to YMCA alumni. I have such an awesome job! The hotel we stayed at was across the street from a store called “Candy Land” so when I came home, I had some fun treats for the boys (gummy snakes!). I was glad I could be home for one night while Kara and Jud were here- we had dinner together and had some good hang out time.

This week we were back to a regular schedule- no nights away, no guests, just our regular schedule. On Tuesday night, Xander’s school hosted Art and Music Night, so we (with Grandma Debbie) got to walk through a gallery of beautiful artwork and then listen to a wonderful music program. Xander was a little nervous to perform, but did a wonderful job and was VERY proud of himself after the big show. It was really fun to be in his school, visit with his teacher and see some of the art and music he’s been working on these last few months.

On Friday, it was April Fools Day, and so for dessert, I served “brown ‘E’s” which none of my men were particularly amused by. Luckily I also had real brownies too or I would have had some really angry men on my hands! Friday night, I went to bed early (my favorite thing to do) and Nate headed to the neighbor’s house for some snacks and card games.

On Saturday our family was BUSY! I got up, ran 4 miles, cleaned up the yard, emptied the dishwasher, stripped all the sheets off the beds, and baked 3 batches of cookies by 10am. Later, my neighbor and I ran 3 more miles, I washed 3 loads of laundry. Nate and the boys went to the park in the morning and then a different park in the afternoon! Shortly before dinnertime, our neighbors texted to ask if we wanted to meet them at Surly brewery for pizza and beer. Yes! We both have awesome kids, but they were normal wiggly, giggly 3-6 year olds, so shortly after we ate, we decided that they were done with the brewery and so we headed back to Kelly and Silas’s house for a few more drinks while the kids could bounce off the walls without annoying anyone (except us).

The boys and I headed home for baths and bedtime, while Nate stayed to watch the basketball game.

Sunday was a fun day for the boys with Grandma and a day of catch up and rest for Nate and I. We did some house projects and I went grocery shopping, but mostly, we relaxed until the late afternoon, when my mom and the boys returned. Danny and Heather came over for dinner, followed by video games, which was a highlight for the boys. Danny and Heather have all the best games and know how to play all of them. The boys absolutely LOVE when they come over to play!

It’s been a great 2 weeks and we have another routine week ahead (have I mentioned once or a million times how much I love a routine?!)