It was a fabulous Friday! We started the day slow- lots of independent play before breakfast, breakfast and then more playing after we ate. The boys didn’t brush their teeth and get dressed until about 10:30. It’s so fun to listen to them play together and I got laundry in, the bathroom cleaned, dishwasher emptied a batch of macs made while they were happy keeping themselves entertained.Eventually we made our way outside and spent quite a while in the front yard watching cars and walking along the edge of the planters in the ultimate balance beam activity. They teetered across the balance beam about 15 times each!
It was hot and sunny day today and after lunch, we were back outside (this time in summer clothes). Nate got home early and was able to join in the fun. The water beads were getting a little gooey, but before we threw them out, we decided to add shaving cream for a fun sensory activity.
When they were done, I emptied the water table and washed it out with the hose. That created a small amount of mud, which Augustus promptly jumped into. But there wasn’t enough mud, so they got the hose out and made more mud.
After they were really muddy, we had the fun idea to use the rest of the shaving cream. Getting covered in shaving cream is a classic camp thing. And the mud pit is one of my favorite camp things. I LOVE messy play. I think it’s magical and fun and makes for the best memories. Xander looked like a tiny camp counselor and I loved watching both of them get messier and messier, giggle, roll around and be so silly.
Once they were as messy as they could possibly be, they stripped off their clothes and I brought a warm bucket of water to rinse them off. Nate and I carried them right into the bath tub and scrubbed them clean.
We grilled brats and ate dinner outside.
It was a fabulous summer-y day and we are all happy and tired.