March Has Arrived

March is here and on Monday, we had nice warm weather and some hope that spring will be here soon. We played outside with Sam and Abby and it was fantastic. I am so eager for the weather to change!

It was a mostly normal week with the boys in school, Augustus with Grandma Debbie on Wednesday (they used molds to make chocolates!), and Nate and I busy with work.

Not part of our normal schedule was me getting on an airplane and flying to Nashville! Nate’s mom Renee turned 60. Nate’s dad is one of 7 brothers, so the 7 sister-in-laws, along with daughters and daughter-in-laws (17 of us total) headed to Nashville for a girls weekend! We ate Nashville hot chicken, drank a lot of wine, had a private chef who made one of the best dinners ever, laughed a lot, listened to good music downtown, sat outside and soaked in the perfect weather and much more. It was an absolute blast and I’m looking forward to the next girls trip!! I missed my 3 favorite men, but it was nice to get away and do something different.

While many of the ladies were between the ages of 60-70 years old, by far the lamest old lady there was me! Whited women know how to party and can operate on little sleep. I usually go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 5:45. I stayed up as late as I could, but I was no match for those ladies!

Between my job, my boys, my husband, 2 puppies, the PTA, my cookie business, training for a half marathon, swimming twice a week, attempting to see my friends occasionally, and trying to make sure my house is somewhat clean, I am stretched thin. I enjoy everything about my life and I don’t want to pull back on any of it (except maybe the cleaning my house part). So when I had a weekend away, I was eager to RELAX! I was so excited to have my own room and a bathroom to myself. Given a choice, I will always opt for reading a book in bed over a wild night out so, yeah, I think I was the most senior citizen-ist of the ladies. But even with me being kinda lame, it was such a great weekend! I loved hanging out with everyone and I felt like I got a whole new perspective of the Whited family. I feel very fortunate to have joined such an incredible family and I while I missed the boys so much I felt like I might collapse, I was also really sad when the weekend was over.

While I was attempting to keep up with the party, the boys were busy at home with Nate. Xander is still drawing nonstop (there was a GIANT pile of mew pictures by the time I got home). Gussie is interested in drawing every now and then and Xander gets excited when they get to draw together. Nate said that he overheard Xander say to Augustus (about a drawing video he was watching), “I think this one is a little tough for young drawers like you. I’ll find an easier one.”

Nate and the boys went to an indoor play place, had movie night, had the neighbors over to play, drew lots of pictures and had a great time. They had family clean up the day I flew home, so the house was organized and laundry done when I got home!

On Monday and Tuesday, Gussie was at school and Xander spent both days in all day Panther Club at school because his 2 week (yes, 2 full weeks!) spring break has begun. I flew home on Monday night and spent Tuesday catching up on work and everything else in life, so I was happy Xander had something fun to keep him busy for the first part of the week. We’re heading off for a little family trip in a few days, so it’s been and continues to be a whirlwind!