Construction Tuesday- A Day of Neglect

Today is Tuesday and so I started the day with my camp director zoom call. This one was pretty long, and I didn’t finish until about 9:30. Then the boys were “so hungry for pancakes” so we had pancakes and cantaloupe. We didn’t get outside until almost 11!

I had some new construction vehicles (a great $2 purchase at the dollar store!) and water beads to play with. It was beautiful and sunny outside.

We came inside and the boys played so nicely. Yesterday camp signed our payroll protection loan and I had some calls to make. I thought it would just be a call or 2 and I’d be done quickly, but by the end of the day, I’d spoken to our accountant 4 times, our business manager 4 times, the program director, the board president and an employment lawyer. It was quite a busy work day for me! The boys were rockstars- they played together and entertained themselves so well!

When we came in from outside, Xander said, “we haven’t even done a construction activity yet!” so we tried out something I saw on pinterest. The boys got grapes and spaghetti noodles and were challenged to build a tower. They started strong and I was impressed. But after a few minutes, Xander turned to me and said, “I’m done. This is not a fun activity. You should not make kids do this.”

The moved on to lincoln logs for a while and built an impressive tower (that I didn’t get a photo of before Augustus kicked it). They were very independent, very well behaved and played so nicely together.

We went outside and they rode bikes, played with toys. We placed the bird house that Xander painted me for my birthday. But mostly, I made phone calls.

When Nate got home, Xander rushed to him saying, “thank goodness you’re here! Mommy didn’t play with us at all today! She was on the phone THE WHOLE DAY!” He wasn’t wrong. And I spent the next hour on the phone after that.

But by the end of the day, I’d solved the problem we’d started the day with and made sure that all of camp’s employees are taken care of, as well as securing the $18,000 (that we shouldn’t have to pay back), and everything is good. I felt bad for neglecting my children all day and once again, I was amazed that some parents are spending all day every day working full time and trying to care for their kids. It’s insane. Today was a blur. Today was exhausting. Today was too much and I do not hope to repeat it tomorrow.

But I also felt so accomplished and so happy. I love hanging out with the boys all day. And I will look back at this time with so many happy memories. But every day, I cook breakfast, and once that is done, lunch is around the corner. And after that, dinner. I clean up a mess, only to find another one. We do an activity and Xander says, “ok, what’s next?” I load the dishwasher, empty the dishwasher. I wash laundry, fold laundry, put laundry away. And then all of those things again the next day. The repetition is not satisfying and I miss going to my office- working on a task, finishing a project, having something tangible to say I accomplished in a day. Today was frustrating at times and I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to fix the problem we had. But then I did and I was SO happy and I’m still so satisfied. I’ve had a few rough days recently and today I felt like myself again finally.

My boys got ignored a lot today (although in my defense, not the WHOLE day- I played with them, fed them, and I was physically with them the entire day, even though they did not have my undivided attention at all times like they are used to). I prefer to be present with them- other than taking photos, I try to put my phone down and be attentive. But I am also really proud of what I accomplished today. And I was happy with how well they played on their own. So today was a good day for all of us, even if it looked different than a typical day.

Birthday Monday!

I’m 38 today! A little bit of a rough start to the day, but I’m feeling better than ever.

For the first time in 6 weeks, I started this week without a day by day curriculum plan. We have a theme- construction, and I have a long list of activities, but I didn’t have a specific plan. It’s taken over a month, but I think maybe the novelty of programming at home is wearing thin.

As for the boys, they had a post Grandma- weekend hangover and were so tired.

The majority of the time my kids are awesome and I love hanging out with them. They are polite and listen well. They get a long great. They are fun and funny. They clean up after themselves (as much as they can at 2&4). They are reasonable and communicate. But this morning there were tantrums, yelling, they fought with each other, Augustus hit Xander in the face with a rock. Xander told me I was the worstest mommy in the world and I should be kicked out of our family (I’m not even sure what I did!). The house was in shambles. And it was only 10:15. Yikes.

We limped through the morning and survived. At noon, my bestie showed up on my doorstep with lunch, cake and a birthday present! I have never needed those 3 things more than I did today! She saved my life (or at least my spirit) and after the 3 of us shared my cake, the boys’ moods seemed to turn around too.

Thankfully, Nate came home early and spent the afternoon playing with them. Nate said they played nicely and were in good moods.

At 4, I headed to the bank to close on a Payroll Protection Loan for camp. $18,000 is a pretty sweet birthday gift! I am grateful that we qualified and could secure these extra funds for the organization. It will definitely help our little camp in the coming weeks!

I got home and we had my favorite meal- steaks, twice baked potatoes, and brussels sprouts. I made a cake this morning and it looked pretty rough! I didn’t have a box mix, so I had to make it from scratch, and I wasn’t sure if it was going to taste ok. Then it fell apart when I took it out of the pan. I added pineapple to the buttercream, which tastes wonderful, but made it look curdled and kind of gross. It definitely didn’t turn out they way it had looked in my imagination. However, it tasted amazing. Nate even asked for a second piece, which I have never seen him do in our entire relationship! So I’m calling that a success!

Tomorrow we resume programming. I have some fun construction activities and the weather is supposed to be nice too. Hopefully we can all get a good night of sleep and go back to normal.

Mother’s Day Weekend!

What an awesome weekend!

Xander and Augustus spent the night at Grandma Debbie’s house on Saturday. They went over after lunch on Saturday and played all day! They drank root beer and ate popcorn while watching a movie in bed. They had the best time!

I went grocery shopping, finished Mother’s Day mac orders, made a cake, and relaxed. Nate and I ordered Thai food and ate dinner on the couch! We binge watched tv, ate chocolate covered strawberries for dessert, had cocktails and it was all SO relaxing.

This morning, I slept until 8:45! It felt like noon. I’d planned to get up and get some things done, but instead decided to drink coffee on the couch and lounge around. It was an excellent and decadent choice.

At noon, Nate and I headed to my mom’s house for Mother’s Day lunch. I brought the cake I’d made the day before and it was so nice.

Mother’s Day mac order


Birthday/Mother’s Day cake

We brought home two very tired boys, so we’ve spent the afternoon relaxing. It was really nice to have the night to ourselves, but I definitely missed the boys. I am so happy to have them home and we are ready for another fun week together.


Wednesday was a great day at Grandma Debbie’s house. They played, they rode bikes, they came home exhausted. 


Today was a good day. The boys have been playing together so nicely every morning this week. We started the day with blueberry pancakes, bacon, AND bowls of cereal. After that, they played for 2 hours. They were calling each other “bro” and they were so funny. I emptied the dishwasher, put in a load of laundry, made a batch of cookies- I’m getting used to having time to get things done!

Eventually we got ready for the day and headed outside. I had a sensory activity of green noodles (“grass”) for the bugs to hide in today. Augustus was very entertained and enjoyed squishing them and moving the bugs around. Xander was mildly amused, and moved on quickly.

We were outside until lunch and then right back out. Nate came home a little early so I could go to Costco. I was prepared for a nightmare, but it wasn’t busy, everything was fully stocked, and I was in and out quickly. I haven’t been to Costco since before my surgery in February- it was nice to do something normal!

I got home and the boys continued playing all day. We were light on theme activities, but I’m happy if they are happy, and they are have been so content playing independently lately.

A lot of camps have announced that they are closing for the summer. I think it’s inevitable for CYC, but I remain hopeful (or maybe I’m just in denial). Today, one of the camps that I know well, and admire a lot announced they will be closed for the summer. I don’t know why this one hit me so hard, but I burst into tears several times today. I feel sick to my stomach. I immediately facebook messaged the director and she wrote back. She said she was sad, but also relieved to have a decision. Not knowing what is happening this summer is definitely taking a toll on me, so I appreciated what she said. I don’t want camp to be cancelled, but I also don’t want to run a camp where kids/staff/volunteers are unsafe. Basically, I don’t like any of the options in front of me. I keep hoping something drastic will change and everything will be better. but today I was sad.

This afternoon, Xander had a sliver in his finger and reacted the way I assume that someone would if they were told that they’d be having their arm removed with a dull saw. He hid under his covers for a while, cried, screamed, collapsed in tears, rolled around on the floor. I gave him a motivational speech about how much I believed in him and what a great opportunity this was to be courageous. I told him he could think about it and choose to let me help him. I let him see and hold the tweezer. I tried bribing him with a surprise. I told him we could go for ice cream after dinner. Eventually I lost my patience and said, “ok, times up, we’re going to do it.” He screamed in such a way that I expected the neighbors would be calling the police. Nate held him. Before I even touched him with the tweezer, he calmed down and watched me remove it. Crisis averted. He survived. Sliver removed.

There’s not even a mark.

We had dinner and then we walked down the block to our favorite ice cream shop. They are open again and Xander’s bravery was worth a trip. Plus, if we can support small business by eating ice cream cones, I am willing to do my part!

No Bug Tuesday

We had a great day, but didn’t do anything theme related. I had my camp director call from 8-9 and the boys watched cartoons on tv and played. We had breakfast and then the boys were playing so nicely that I didn’t rush them to get ready for the day or get on schedule. It was a little chilly outside anyway, so I wasn’t eager to get outside. They played and played and played. First they had all of their Lightening McQueen cars out and they were talking, and coming up with stories, and working together SO well. Then they got our the Star Wars toys and were still playing so nicely. I love when they play together and I think child-led play is one of the most important skills to develop. I love listening to them be creative, get along, argue, problem solve, and communicate. 
I was also excited to take advantage of the free time to get some things done. I knew that my free time was limited, so I was CRUISING. I emptied the dishwasher, folded and put away a load of clothes, measured mac ingredients and made my first batch for Mother’s Day orders. The boys played for 2 straight hours.  

Eventually, I convinced them to brush their teeth and get dressed and we headed outside for bike riding and more playing. 

A few days ago, as I was planning this week, the weather said it was supposed to rain today, so we were going to have a movie day. After a full morning of playing (including some outside time), we decided to still watch the movie during lunch. The boys enjoyed a children’s charcuterie lunch and watched “A Bug’s Life”.

After the movie, we went back outside for the rest of the day. They ran around, chased each other, rode bikes, played in the sand. They were busy and happy! 
We enjoyed taco Tuesday and then bath time and bedtime as usual. It was a great day!

In case you are wondering what it’s like to
work from home with a 2 year old

A trend that is all over social media right now is “porch pictures”. Because people have to stay 6 feet apart, photographers have been offering family photos on people’s porches. I LOVE family pictures and I love this trend and I wanted to join in the fun. We don’t have a porch, but when a photographer posted in our neighborhood facebook group about “front step pictures” I was so excited! I actually love that these pictures are on our front steps, because for the last 4 years, we’ve been sitting on these steps almost every day to watch the cars drive by.

When Xander was just a few months old, we realized he loved watching cars. We’d take him outside and he would get so excited to watch vehicles drive by. One of his first words was “bus” and he would lose his mind with excitement when we saw a bus. Augustus is even more car/truck/bus obsessed than Xander. Watching cars is a pretty regular activity in our daily lives pandemic or not. So photos of us on those steps are extra special, on top of being a representation of our time in quarantine. 

Monday- Bugs!

It’s a new week, which means we have a new theme and our display books are re-set. This week, our theme is bugs. I’m not sure how it’s going to go because both boys hate all bugs, even when they are dead, but maybe this week will help. 
One of my favorite things at camp were all the years (mostly before kids) when the program staff and I would stay up late preparing for activities the next day. Some of the best songs have been written and crazy programs have been created at 11pm when you’re exhausted, but also kinda goofy, and brainstorming is totally out there. Last night, at 10:30, when I was creating a web, I had a familiar feeling of late night prepping. 

We started the morning with a treasure hunt. I found this one on pinterest but had to re-write several clues to work for our yard. But, as always, the boys enjoyed it. I’d found some bug tents in the Target dollar spot a few weeks ago, and they were excited to find them at the end of the hunt.

We did some bug hunting, but every bug we found, Xander screamed and ran. We caught a beetle and Augustus was fascinated. He was so cute and kept calling it “my friend”. Xander was VERY concerned about separating it from its’ bug family and he fretted over it basically the whole day. He kept saying, “it seems really mad” or “do you think his bug parents miss him?” Eventually we let the bug go and he finally relaxed.

After bug hunting, the boys rode bikes for a while and then they wanted to play in the back of my van (one of their favorite hang outs). I said no. Xander yelled, “you’re the worst-est mom in the world” and marched into the house yelling, “come on Augustus!” I was sitting in a comfortable outdoor chair, the breeze blowing, sun shining, a cup of coffee in my hand. I sat out there by myself for about 8 minutes (a long time for 2 kids to be alone) and then I tip toed inside to see what they were up to. Xander was patiently explaining Chutes and Ladders to Augustus and they were playing together. Xander said to me, “we came inside because you were being rude!” I explained that sometimes mom’s say “no” and just because you disagree, doesn’t make it rude.

They finished the game and weren’t mad at me anymore, so we did our fine motor activity I’d prepared the night before. The boys used tweezers and also chopsticks to get the bugs out of the “web”. They did a good job and liked it.

When they finished that, Augustus said, “let’s do another activity” which is so cute. The boys worked on bug matching while I got some art supplies for them to make pom pom caterpillars.

We had lunch and rest time and then a lady bug snack/treat. I only had milk chocolate chips, and so the dark parts weren’t quite as dark as the pinterest ones I was trying to make, so this was only a partial success (although they tasted great).

It was only 1:30 at that point and so we ended up taking a spontaneous field trip to Hidden Falls Regional Park. I’ve never been there before, but it’s been on my list of places to go for a long time.

When I put it in my phone, the map said, “Hidden Falls Regional Park” and Xander said, “we’re going to a park!” which made me super sad because we haven’t been a playground in forever.

We talked about giving any people we saw lots of space, and there weren’t too many people there, but a few, and many of them were kids. Augustus will talk to ANYONE he sees, so I was sad about that too, because there was a little boy, about his age who he said hi, and would have definitely played with if I hadn’t awkwardly distracted him away. I hope this whole thing doesn’t make them weirdly anti-social.

The good news is, despite those 2 things making me sad, Hidden Falls totally made up for it. When we got there, Xander said, “this would be a great place for a picnic!” and he was right! We threw rocks into the water (a multiple time a day activity during the summer at camp), climbed cool trees, ran around the big fields full of cool trees. It was a magical place and Xander wants to go back tomorrow, so we will definitely be back soon (not sure if we’ll go tomorrow, but soon!).

This is a picture of Xander problem solving how to get all of the rocks he wanted back to the car with him. The pile was so big and so he was jamming rocks in his pockets and Augustus’s pockets.

We got home and had more time to ride bikes and play in the yard before dinner.

Dinner, bath, and an online bedtime story from Grandma Renee. A VERY full day.

I get to the end of each day feeling good and happy with all of the fun things we’ve done, but also DRAINED. As an introvert, it is A LOT to be with people (even my boys) all day long. I am enjoying this time with the kids and trying to soak it in, but I also really miss them going to school and me going to my office. Today was fun and hopefully our bug week will be a blast!

Weekend Fun

It was a great weekend, and I only took one picture the whole 2 days! On Saturday, all four of us walked to the bakery for donuts. We played outside a ton. Together, we organized toys in the basement. We relaxed.

Today was a re-charge day for everyone. Nate went golfing. I dropped the boys at my mom’s house for a fun day with Grandma Debbie. They made an obstacle course, they played with toys, they were busy all day. I’m not 100% sure of what they do there, but they LOVE being with Grandma Debbie.

I have fallen into a comfortable Sunday routine of dropping the boys and then going to the dollar store (new to me during this quarantine) where I spend about $10 per week on random things I use for weekly activities. I had been to the dollar store before quarantine, but never regularly. It’s a crazy place, filled with junk or treasure, depending on how you look at it. But it’s so great for random supplies that I don’t NEED, but help me create unique programming every week. Today I found plastic bugs, some plastic serving spoons, balloons, and some buckets. So cheap. And you never know what you are going to find there.

After the dollar store, I go to my office. I check the mail and if anything needs to be taken care of, I do that too. I print out a few work sheets that I will use for the week. I write out our activities, my calendar, my to do, the dinner menu, and everything else I need for the week. It’s my planning time. It helps me feel balanced and ready for the week ahead.

After that, I have the afternoon to get the house in order, bake, organize, relax or whatever else I want to do without interruption. Today I spent several hours organizing in our basement. In one corner, I have about 10 totes of random junk, art supplies, etc. It has gotten progressively messier and harder to find things, so today was the day that I finally took everything out, sorted and now it looks fantastic. I am so happy to have everything in order. I just have 2 small children, but I am still running daily/weekly programming, which requires supplies, set up, and planning. At camp, we have a program office, a ball closet, an art barn, my office, a health center- multiple buildings and infinitely more stuff. This is my tiny, at-home version of camp.

And I still had time to sit outside and relax for a little while. The boys came home and still had a ton of energy. We played outside, helped Nate cut the front bushes and I still had to drag them inside at dinner time. I can’t believe how much energy they have!

It was a great weekend and we are ready for another week of at-home fun.


Today was a fabulous day! Nate was home today, and we started the morning with all 4 of us cleaning up and organizing toys. I’d totally let it go for a few days and our living room was in shambles, so it felt great to get everything neatened up.

From there, both boys said, “let’s do an activity” which is pretty cute. Nate joined us for “small group time”. We started out “playing in the clouds” which was really just a bunch of white balloons and a fan. But the boys loved it and it kind of reminded me of this cool thing they have at the Children’s museum that pumps air out and you can get ping pong balls to hover. Nate had the balloons hovering in midair and it was super cool

After that, we decorated parachutes and then experimented by dropping them and seeing how long they stayed in the air.

After parachutes, Nate made the boys paper airplanes and we made a runway to see how far they could throw them.

Right before lunch, our doorbell rang, but no one was there! There were 3 may day baskets sitting there to surprise us!

The Nelson family was out and about delivering joy. There were bubbles and treats for the boys and a cocktail, tea towel and treat for me! It was SUCH a fun surprise and so cute!

Augustus said, “we’ve never even had bubbles!” which isn’t true (we’ve had a million bubbles), but his appreciation was cute. We headed outside to blow bubbles.

My mom arrived shortly after that and she and the boys played outside nonstop. The rode bikes, ran around, adventured for hours. Nate got the entire backyard and flower beds cleaned up. I re-organized our buffet, which has been 6 FULL drawers of junk for a while now. I took every single thing out and ended up with a FULL garbage bag. Everything is in perfect order now and I feel so fantastic that the mess has turned to order!

My mom helped Nate finish the flower beds while the boys took some rest time. I washed and put away a load of laundry, washed the floors and cleaned the bathroom. It was SUCH a productive day!

We had dinner, bath time and now the boys are in bed and I’m drinking a mojito to end the day! Happy May Day!

No Schedule Thursday

Today was a tough one. Extreme respect to all parents who are trying to work full time and stay at home with their children. So far, I’ve been very fortunate to be able to work in the evening or when Nate or my mom have the boys. But today I had an interview with a potential counselor and then had several calls with the accountant, and I had a lot of paperwork I was trying to do for the Payroll Protection Plan I’m applying for. The boys didn’t get dressed until after lunch, and I’m not sure either of them even brushed their teeth. The house is still in shambles and I was a wreck all day.  
We didn’t do any of the theme activities I’d planned, except for making cloud jello (blue jello and whipped cream). They enjoyed it and it actually tasted really good. 

Our good friends Jamie and Ryan had a baby on Saturday and I am so sad that we can’t go snuggle and squish her. We were supposed to have a shower for them in March and that got cancelled too. I was going to make this macaron E for the shower (their last name starts with E), so I decided to just make it for them instead. The boys and I took that and some food and dropped it all on their doorstep.

We got home and pretty much played outside the rest of the day. The boys rode bikes, played mechanic (they “fixed” bikes over and over, X saying, “all in a days work” each time he finished.

Before dinner, the boys found a small puddle in our yard and Xander said, “I’m going to put my finger in it.” Then they stepped in it. And pretty soon they had the hose out, making it a bigger puddle. They had so much fun jumping in it and splashing. They were so muddy that we put them in the bathtub while Nate went to pick up dinner. Different bath time, take out for dinner- the whole schedule was out the window today!

It was a great day (even if I felt like I was going a million ways all at once and never quite caught my breath or sat down). But, the HIGHLIGHT of my day was getting this gorgeous artwork in the mail! I follow @thecaffeinatedcrossstitcher on Instagram. I have wanted to order one of her pieces forever and I’ve been on a waiting list. But she’s had more free time and she got me in. I love that she captured Augustus’s red boots (which he has worn every day for months) and Xander’s favorite sweatshirt (also a daily wardrobe item for months). I love it so much!


It was another fun day with Grandma Debbie. It was windy and kind of chilly today, so they weren’t outside as much as usual, but they did find an excavator to look at (and Xander took the photo of my mom and Augustus!).

I never quite found the rhythm to my day. I cleaned the kitchen, did laundry, finished my May Day order macarons, and a few other things. Sometimes I think when I’m so busy with the boys, I actually get more done because I never stop moving and squeeze a million things in every spare moment.

Back to normal tomorrow. We have more airplane and cloud activities to keep us busy!