Today was a good day. The boys have been playing together so nicely every morning this week. We started the day with blueberry pancakes, bacon, AND bowls of cereal. After that, they played for 2 hours. They were calling each other “bro” and they were so funny. I emptied the dishwasher, put in a load of laundry, made a batch of cookies- I’m getting used to having time to get things done!
Eventually we got ready for the day and headed outside. I had a sensory activity of green noodles (“grass”) for the bugs to hide in today. Augustus was very entertained and enjoyed squishing them and moving the bugs around. Xander was mildly amused, and moved on quickly.
We were outside until lunch and then right back out. Nate came home a little early so I could go to Costco. I was prepared for a nightmare, but it wasn’t busy, everything was fully stocked, and I was in and out quickly. I haven’t been to Costco since before my surgery in February- it was nice to do something normal!
I got home and the boys continued playing all day. We were light on theme activities, but I’m happy if they are happy, and they are have been so content playing independently lately.
A lot of camps have announced that they are closing for the summer. I think it’s inevitable for CYC, but I remain hopeful (or maybe I’m just in denial). Today, one of the camps that I know well, and admire a lot announced they will be closed for the summer. I don’t know why this one hit me so hard, but I burst into tears several times today. I feel sick to my stomach. I immediately facebook messaged the director and she wrote back. She said she was sad, but also relieved to have a decision. Not knowing what is happening this summer is definitely taking a toll on me, so I appreciated what she said. I don’t want camp to be cancelled, but I also don’t want to run a camp where kids/staff/volunteers are unsafe. Basically, I don’t like any of the options in front of me. I keep hoping something drastic will change and everything will be better. but today I was sad.
This afternoon, Xander had a sliver in his finger and reacted the way I assume that someone would if they were told that they’d be having their arm removed with a dull saw. He hid under his covers for a while, cried, screamed, collapsed in tears, rolled around on the floor. I gave him a motivational speech about how much I believed in him and what a great opportunity this was to be courageous. I told him he could think about it and choose to let me help him. I let him see and hold the tweezer. I tried bribing him with a surprise. I told him we could go for ice cream after dinner. Eventually I lost my patience and said, “ok, times up, we’re going to do it.” He screamed in such a way that I expected the neighbors would be calling the police. Nate held him. Before I even touched him with the tweezer, he calmed down and watched me remove it. Crisis averted. He survived. Sliver removed.
There’s not even a mark.
We had dinner and then we walked down the block to our favorite ice cream shop. They are open again and Xander’s bravery was worth a trip. Plus, if we can support small business by eating ice cream cones, I am willing to do my part!