Christmas Week

It was the week of Christmas at our house and we were in a festive mood! Our elf was on a roll with gummy tacos, socks, pokemon cards, and the final day, he brought the boys ornaments (Grave Digger for Gussie and Mario for Xander). Every day started earlier and earlier, and there was one 5am morning that I imagined ripping that elf’s head off, but I still LOVE elf on the shelf and enjoyed every moment of it. I have already started saving ideas for next year.

My other seasonal passion has been themed meals- mostly Xander’s cold lunches, but a few at home lunches and breakfasts as well. Xander appreciates a good theme and I had a lot of fun coming up with new surprises for him. I’m not sure what his teacher must think, but he has been enjoying it, so it’s been super fun for me to do for him.

Augustus has been spending Mondays and Wednesdays with Grandma Debbie and he’s having a blast. This week they made some really excellent crafts and went to the zoo. He’s a very lucky kiddo.

Xander is doing great in school. He loves his teacher, his friends and all of the cool classes he takes. He has 3-4 specialty classes per day (gym, french, drama, art, music, technology, library) and 2 recesses. They keep him VERY busy. During one french class recently, they had a special party with chocolate fondue (un chocolat). He comes home with so much to say about the things he’s learning and I love watching him grow.

The puppies are maniacs and alternate between being cute and cuddly, and causing mayhem.

On Saturday, we celebrated Christmas Eve. Grandma Debbie came over to spend the night. We ate crab and croissants and caesar salad (cheeseburger sliders and fries for the boys), and ate brownies for dessert. It was SO decadent and amazing. The boys got to open one present from Grandma. Gussie got a monster truck and Xander got a dinosaur bone excavating kit. The boys spent almost an hour hammering and chipping away at the clay block, retrieving dinosaur bones. By the time they were done, the walls, the floor, the chairs, the table, both boys and my mom were COVERED in clay. We hadn’t anticipated it being quite so messy, but it was a very fun project. We watched the classic Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer movie, put some cookies out for Santa (Xander is embracing the themes, because he made them into the shape of a snowman) and then the boys went to bed.

Xander woke up at 5am, and, as we’d discussed, he did NOT get out of bed. He did, however, yell for me until I got out of bed. He and I snuggled in his bed for about an hour. I did not want to be up that early, but Xander is a cool kid and I love hanging out with him. He’s funny and silly and I love talking to him. We’ve got a new thing where I give him 3 nouns (I try to be specific like an animal, a family member and a place) and ask him to make up a story incorporating all 3. Initially I thought it would be a good skill for him to develop, but it’s turned into such a fun game and I LOVE his stories. He’s so clever and smart and he always surprises me.

Finally at 6am, I said we could get up. Augustus woke up and we all headed downstairs to check out what Santa had left. Santa left crumbs behind on our cookie board, he left stockings jam packed with candy and gifts. He left piles of presents for both boys. Finally at 6:30, once Grandma and Daddy were both awake, the boys got to open presents and they were so excited about everything. There were a lot of legos, remote control cars, science kits, and more.

After pancakes (Gussie wanted a Christmas surprise pancake, “not something we’ve had before”), Danny and Heather arrived. They brought an ENORMOUS charcuterie board that they covered with smoked salmon, cheeses, meats, olives, pickled beets and beans, and crackers. My mom made 2 different amazing hot dips and 17 bags of chips and crackers. I made stuffed mushrooms, bruschetta, chicken wings, meatballs, veggies and fruit. Nate made old fashioneds (on Christmas, it’s acceptable to have a cocktail at 10am!). We also had “un chocolat” as requested by Xander, and I had strawberries, cookies, marshmallows, bananas, and rice krispie treats to dip in the chocolate fondue. Xander taught us to say strawberry in french (fraise).

We spent the afternoon eating and playing. Gussie, Heather, Danny and Nate played Mario Cart on Nintendo Switch while Xander put together 2 huge lego sets.

It was an absolutely perfect Christmas season and ideal day. I am exhausted but so happy. Xander is on vacation from school, so we have a full week to play with new toys, relax, take down Christmas decorations, and then we get to hop on an airplane and visit with the Whiteds for Christmas round 2!

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas (a little early)!!

Another Week of Holiday Cheer

Have I mentioned how much I love Elf on the Shelf? I know that it’s popular for moms to complain or hate the elf, but I LOVE it. The boys are so amused every day. The jump out of bed to run downstairs and find it. And then they run back upstairs to tell Nate and I where the elf is and what silly thing he is doing. They notice small details and they think the elf is hilarious. It is absolutely magic every day.

Augustus continues to spend Mondays and Wednesdays with Grandma Debbie and love hanging out with her. Between painting, science projects, trips to the play area at the mall, and unlimited fruit snacks, it’s pretty much a kid’s dream. In January, he will be in school 4 days a week and I know he will miss having as much time with Grandma as he has right now.

On Friday the news was predicting blizzard levels of snow. Xander’s school cancelled at 1pm and it was good that they did as the snow was coming down! By Saturday morning, we had 21 inches! However, a blizzard didn’t stop neighborhood Friday happy hour. We bundled up and let the snow come down around us. The temperature wasn’t terribly cold, so it was a nice night to be outside (as far as blizzards go).

Working from home is great for so many reasons. I don’t have to brave the traffic in a blizzard, I can do laundry throughout the day. I rarely have to wear real pants. And our sweet needy puppies don’t have to be left alone very often. However, when they were loudly playing in my office and I needed to be on a call, they got locked out for 30 minutes and in that time, they destroyed the tv remote, just in case I wasn’t aware how much they disliked being kicked out of OUR office. Other than that, they are wonderful companions during the day.

On Saturday, we had Skylar and Phoebe over for a very fun holiday playdate. First we made our own pizzas for lunch. They played while lunch cooked. After eating lunch and more playing, we decorated gingerbread houses. As if that wasn’t enough fun for a day, after all of that, we all met up with other KBH friends for the first sledding of the winter.

My pinterest/instagram mom aspirations continue to go well as I theme lunches (and many breakfasts as well). “Hey, what do you want to eat?” is typically met with, “something fun and surprising” by both boys. I did this to myself- Christine warned me not to make lunches too fun. But last week was fun, and I have a lot of fun ideas to try out this week, so that’s where we are at.

Today the boys played a lot and then we all went sledding in the afternoon. It’s super snowy, but also pretty warm, so it’s ideal sledding weather.

We are traveling for Christmas, so we emailed Santa to ask him for an early delivery, so he will be visiting our house next Saturday night. That means we only have one more week with the elf, the countdown calendar, Christmas themed meals and all of the excitement of waiting for Christmas! We’re going to cram as much holiday cheer into the week as we can!!

New Blog Site and Our First Week With the Elf

It’s a long boring story, but my blogspot site, which I’ve had since I started my blog in 2018 will not exist in a few weeks. I’m not super techy, so it’s possible it could have been avoided, but I’ve tried everything and talked to all my techy friends, and ultimately, it was time to move over to a new site, so here we are.

Last weekend, we put up our Christmas tree, which meant that our Elf on the Shelf would be returning. I LOVE Elf on the Shelf. I pin ideas all year long. Months ahead of time, I plan out what I’m going to do. I buy supplies to go with the theme, and also have a general elf kit, which includes crepe paper, heavy duty double sided 3M tape, fishing line, and a bunch of other random things I might need. My job at camp was to create magic by giving kids experiences that were unique. I miss that so much, but I also think that’s one of the best parts of motherhood- giving my kids unique and magical experiences.

So the elf is back. Sometimes he brings little treats or gifts, sometimes he just shows up and does something silly. The boys both jump out of bed (usually around 5:50am) and run down to look for him. I typically jump out of bed too because I love seeing their reaction. Sometimes they are amused, sometimes they say things like, “there are marshmallows in that snow globe! How will we get them?!” It is a great way to start each day.

On Monday, Xander got his second covid shot and I got my booster. Both of us felt a little bit crummy on Tuesday, but we were both very brave when we got our shots and were also both happy to have them done.

On Friday, Hudson turned one and I am hoping that means he will start calming down at some point. I walk him every day and he drags his feet and goes so slow I think I might have to actually drag him. And then he gets home and bounces off the walls. He’s an absolute maniac.

On Saturday, we got a new oven! Ours was doing this terrifying thing where at certain random times for no reason, all of the burners would turn on and you couldn’t turn them off. We had someone out to fix it, but the circuit board was no longer being made. So new (double) oven here we come!

We also had family clean up day because there were toys everywhere and we needed to do some lego re-organizing. The boys worked really hard and had a great attitude and I’m excited how organized the legos are!

Santa stopped by for a brief visit- on our neighborhood facebook page, a woman posted that her husband was making santa housecalls. It seemed a little sketchy, but also I didn’t want to go to a mall and pay for a santa visit, nor did I want to stand in a long line, so having santa drop by and stay a covid safe distance away, for free, seemed like the best case. Afterwards, we had pizza/movie night.

Today the boys started the day popping bubble wrap that the elf left. We had some snowman pancakes (we’ve been big on themed food lately), we went swimming at the YMCA and then we baked Christmas cookies.

Now it’s time for another week ahead. More elf on the shelf. More themed breakfasts and lunches. My Christmas letter is complete and will be hitting mailboxes by the end of the week. December cheer is in full swing!